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刚刚 第一夫人梅拉尼娅发告别演说

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  My fellow Americans,

  It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as First Lady of the United States.

  I have been inspired by incredible Americans across our country who lift up our communities through their kindness and courage, goodness and grace.

  The past four years have been unforgettable. As Donald and I conclude our time in the White House, I think of all the people I have taken home in my heart and their incredible stories of love, patriotism, and determination.

  I see the faces of brave young soldiers who have told me with pride in their eyes how much they love serving this country. To every service member and to our incredible military families: You are heroes, and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

  I think of all the members of law enforcement who greet us wherever we go. At every hour of every day, they stand guard to keep our communities safe, and we are forever in their debt.

  I have been moved by children I have visited in hospitals and foster care centers. Even as they fight difficult illnesses or face challenges, they bring such a joy to everyone they meet.

  I remember the mothers who have battled the disease of Opioid addiction, and have overcome incredible hardships for love of their children.

  I have been inspired by the devoted caregivers for babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, and communities that give these children the support and care they need to grow.

  When I think about these meaningful experiences, I am humbled to have had the opportunity to represent a nation with such kind and generous people.

  As the world continues to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, I thank all the nurses, doctors, healthcare professionals, manufacturing workers, truck drivers, and so many others who are working to save lives.

  We grieve for the families who have lost a loved one due to the pandemic. Every life is precious, and I ask all Americans to use caution and common sense to protect the vulnerable as millions of vaccines are now being delivered.

  In the midst of this hardship, we have seen the best of America shine through. Students have made cards and delivered groceries to our Senior Citizens. Teachers have worked twice as hard to keep our children learning.

  Families have come together to provide meals, supplies, comfort and friendship to those in need.

  Be passionate in everything you do but always remember that violence is never the answer and will never be justified.

  When I came to the White House, I reflected on the responsibility I have always felt as a mother to encourage, give strength, and teach values of kindness. It is our duty as adults and parents to ensure that children have the best opportunities to lead fulfilling and healthy lives.

  The passion for helping children succeed would drive my policy initiative as First Lady.

  I launched Be Best to ensure that we as Americans are doing everything we can to take care of the next generation. Be Best has concentrated on three pillars: well-being, online safety, and opioid abuse.

  In a few short years, I have raised awareness of how to keep children safe online; we have made incredible progress on our nation’s drug epidemic and how it impacts the lives of newborns and families, and we have given a voice to our most vulnerable children in the foster care system.
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