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[中领馆园地] BC大学生汉语桥中文歌唱赛落幕啦!

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2015年11月7日星期六,由中国驻加拿大领事馆教育组主办,Pacific Educational Access for Kids和BCIT孔子学院协办的2015届BC省大学生汉语桥”中文歌唱比赛决赛在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学Frederic Wood Theater举行。

此次比赛凝聚了83名BC省精通普通话非中国籍的大学生参赛选手,分别来自于University of British Columbia,Langara College, Trinity West University,University of Victoria, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, 和University of the Fraser Valley,所有选手均表现优异。

温哥华总领事馆教育组于长学参赞出席了此次活动并给第一名获奖者Chris Madsen颁奖:

最终维多利亚大学的Chris Madsen凭借一首周杰伦的《青花瓷》夺得今年桂冠。加拿大和法国混血的Chris Madsen在高中接触首次周杰伦歌曲,并在台湾高雄学习普通话七个月。Chris Madsen现在维多利亚大学学习生物,他的愿望是通过在中国学习植物学和自然保护来融合他对中文以及生物的热爱。

除了评选出个人一二三等奖,该比赛还颁发了包括团体一二三等奖,最佳人气奖,最佳发音奖,最佳中国风,最佳服装化妆奖,和最佳舞台风等多项奖项。上届冠军得主Mark Lee也登台为这届选手加油。此外还有麦芽糖乐队的倾情演出以及来自UBC魔术师协会的精彩魔术表演。



2015 BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest Winners Announced

The final round of the 2015 BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest took place at the Frederic Wood Theatre at the University of British Columbia on Saturday, November 7th, 2015. This event is hosted by the Consulate Office of the People’s Republic of China in Vancouver, and organized by Pacific Educational Access for Kids and the Confucius Institute at BCIT.

This competition is held annually for college students across British Columbia. This year, the final round of the competition consisted of over 83 non-Chinese heritage students who are learning Mandarin. There were contestants from the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Langara College, Trinity West University, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and University of the Fraser Valley.

来自于Magician& Illusionists Association 的魔术师表演魔术:

First place went to Chris Madsen, a Biology student from the University of Victoria of Danish, British, and French descent. He captivated the audience with a rendition of Jay Chou’s “Blue and White Porcelain”. Madsen was first introduced to the Chinese language in high school after hearing Jay Chou’s songs for the first time. Later, Madsen studied Mandarin in Kaohsiung for seven months. Madsen plans to combine his love for both Mandarin and Biology by studying botany and conservation in China.

The finalists competed for the first, second, third prizes in individual and group categories, as well as a number of individual awards. The first place winner from 2014, Mark Lee from UBC, gave a performance to cheer on the finalists. In addition, band Mai Ya Tang and UBC’s Magician and Illusionist Society provided great performances during the award ceremony.

BC "Chinese Bridge" Mandarin Singing Contest aims to stimulate young students’ enthusiasm for Chinese learning and to enhance understanding of Chinese language and Chinese culture. This contest has rapidly expanded and elicited a very positive response from BC college students.
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