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[KEY Education] KEY:我到底應該選擇SAT還是ACT?

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Should I take the SAT or ACT?


By Richard J. Dalton Jr.

作者:Richard J. Dalton Jr.

Deciding which university entrance exam to take used to be simple: Where you lived was the main determining factor whether to take the SAT or ACT. Nowadays, students all over take either or both exams.

決定考哪個大學入學測試曾經很簡單:考SAT 或ACT的決定因素取決於你住在哪裡。現今學生可以選擇考SAT 和ACT都考,或選擇其中一個。

With the launch of the new SAT in March (in the United States and in May in Canada), students will be asking even more questions, as the changes are dramatic, starting with a return to a total score of 1600, the same total before the switch to 2400 in 2005. The new exam also has adopted some elements of the ACT, eliminating the so-called “guessing penalty,” having four sections, putting grammar questions in paragraph format, and making the essay optional. Furthermore, sentence completion questions are gone, along with many but not all difficult vocabulary words. Students will have slightly more time for each question, but one math section forbids the use of a calculator.

三月份剛推出的新SAT測試(美國是3月,加拿大是5月),學生會就其發生的很多變化問及許多問題。SAT由2005年總分調整為2400分制,到現在總分將回到之前的1600分制。 新測試采用了ACT測試的一些元素,如:去除所謂“猜題懲罰”,考試包含4個部分, 語法問題需要聯系上下文段落,以及寫作改為可選題。 此外,句子填充問題被去掉了,大部分艱深的詞匯也被去掉了。 學生會稍微能多點時間回答每道題目,但計算器在數學部分是禁止使用的。

Universities remain test neutral. Princeton university spokesman Martin Mbugua said: “Students may submit whichever test they choose, or both.” Stanford university spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said: “We accept either test on equal footing.”

大學方面堅持測試中立的態度。普林斯頓大學發言人Martin Mbugua表示:“學生可以選擇提交任何一個測試,或選擇兩個一起考。”斯坦福大學的發言人Lisa Lapin則說:“我們接受這兩項測試,兩者是一樣的。”

The SAT had long been the most popular university-entrance exam. However, in 2012 more students took the ACT than took the SAT. Some of the changes to the SAT may have brought attention that there is an alternative, said ACT spokesman Ed Colby. In fact, at the last major overhaul for the SAT, in 2005, 40 percent of graduates took the ACT, a figure that grew to 59 percent this year.

長期以來SAT一直是大學入學測試最受歡迎的測試選項。然而在2012年,選擇參加ACT測試的學生比參加SAT測試的要多 。ACT發言人Ed Colby表示,SAT測試的新變化讓更多人意識到除此之外還有另一項可替代的考試。事實上,SAT上次在2005做出一個重大變革時有40%的畢業生參加了ACT測試,今年這個數據增加到59%。

The ACT has garnered a great deal of interest in the Vancouver area in the last year, but few test preparation companies were prepared for the challenge. Your Score Booster’s tutors and instructors are well-trained in the ACT’s curricular material as well as tips and tricks. The company offers one-on-one tutoring and classes (in-person or online), workbooks, customized quizzes and thousands of video solutions for both the SAT and ACT.

從去年開始,ACT測試在溫哥華地區贏得了越來越多人的興趣,但只有少數輔導機構准備好迎接挑戰。Your Score Booster能提供訓練有素的導師和老師。他們尤其對准備 ACT測試課程的資料以及提示和技巧非常熟悉。有一對一專門輔導和面對面/網上小班教學,他們將會為學生們提供專門針對SAT 和ACT測試的練習冊,個性化測驗和上千個視頻教學方案。

Your Score Booster has been getting many more students seeking preparation for the ACT. So far, people are keeping a wait-and-see attitude about the new SAT, at least the March exam. In interviews with dozens counselors and educational consultants at National Association for College Admissions Counseling and in subsequent telephone interviews with other experts, Your Score Booster found no one who recommended taking the March SAT.

越來越多的學生已向Your Score Booster尋求幫助,為ACT測試做好准備 。到目前為止,人們對新SAT保持一個等待和觀望的態度,起碼是對即將到來的三月份測試。在和數十名輔導員和全國大學招生咨詢協會的教育顧問交流並以電話采訪的方式咨詢了其他一些專家後, 我們發現沒有人建議參加三月份的新SAT。

"Why pay for the privilege of being a guinea pig?" said Bob Schaeffer, public education director for Fairtest, a critic of standardized testing.

公立教育主任以及標准化測試評論家Bob Schaeffer表示,“為什幺要花錢去作試驗小豬?”

Furthermore, the scores for the March exam and concordance tables equating scores to the old SAT scores won’t be released until May.


Eric J. Furda, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania, said the university accepts both the old and new SAT and the ACT equally. But he said students’ familiarity with the ACT would likely attract students to it in the near term.

賓夕法尼亞大學招生主任Eric J. Furda表示,他們會以平等的態度對待新舊SAT、ACT測試 。但他表示,近階段學生們更為熟悉的ACT測試將更加熱門 。

“I do think that during this transition you're going to see more students taking the ACT, which has already been on the rise,” he said. “Without getting caught up in the politics of it, I think that's going to be common-sense behavior” to take an exam that’s more familiar.

“我認為這個過渡過程中你會看到更多的學生參加ACT測試,上升現象也正在展現出來。”他說: “如果沒有政策上的因素,我認為學生首選參加其熟悉的測試是一個很正常的行為。”

Test-preparation experts also note that College Board has released only four practice exams for the new SAT, while many more previously administered ACT exams are available.

備考專家還指出,美國大學委員會(College Board)現今只發布了四套新SAT模擬測試,而ACT測試有更多的模擬題可供參考。

But Cyndie Schmeiser, chief of assessment at College Board, which owns the SAT, said advising against taking the March SAT is “fear-based advice, which is not in the best interest of students…. We've done a lot of research to make sure that starting in March and moving forward that our tests are reflecting the best science in testing."

但是SAT的主考部門—大學委員會評估主任Cyndie Schmeiser表示,對 “針對對新SAT測試的恐懼而作出的建議,並不是從對學生的最佳利益出發。我們已經做了很多調查研究以確保三月開始的SAT測試將反映測試是最為科學的。”

Some are still undecided about future SAT exams. "With the new SAT, I'm going to have to wait and see,” said Dr. Whitney Laughlin, an educational consultant based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Victoria, British Columbia. "I think that's how a lot of people feel."

一些人對SAT測試未來的發展猶豫不決。“我不得不等待和觀察新SAT的情況,我認為這也是多數人的想法。” 教育顧問Whitney Laughlin博士,後者是總部設在新墨西哥聖菲和不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞教育顧問。

Others may recommend the new SAT – after the March exam – to some students. Sean Hawes, an educational consultant in Bellingham Washington, said the elimination of difficult vocabulary and extra time may be a draw for some students. Hawes also noted the SAT is required for students who apply for a National Merit Scholarship, sponsored by College Board.

其他人則推薦學生選擇三月之後的新SAT 測試 。華盛頓州貝靈漢的教育顧問Sean Hawes認為降低詞匯難度、縮短額外花費時間對部分學生來說影響不大。Hawes也指出對申請由美國大學委員會贊助的國家優秀學生獎學金的學生來說,SAT是必須的。

"Some students may eventually like the SAT better,” Hawes said. “The SAT may bounce back."

“最後可能有一些學生更傾向於SAT。” Hawes表示,“SAT可能會重新恢復往日的風采。”

However, the new SAT has infused reading throughout every section, even writing, math – word problems dominate the math section -- and the essay. The text also has become more complex, so it could be more difficult for students who speak English as a Second Language.

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