路透社对“好自为之”的译法比较“严肃”,又不想丢掉“好自为之”在中文中的警告色彩:“I hope you would conduct yourself well and play a constructive role in the future of the Chinese and American people and in world peace and stability. ”
中国稍后发出的官方译文其实还没路透社有这么“冲”:“... I hope you will act accordingly and... (字面意思“我希望您能采取相应的行动 ”——中国外交部英文官网)”、“Wang expressed his hope that Rubio would make the right decisions and ...(字面意思“王希望鲁比奥作出正确的决定”——新华社英文网)”
最有意思的译法来自美国《新闻周刊》译成:“I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability.”字面意思是:“希望您保重身体,为中美两国人民的未来,为世界的和平与稳定发挥建设性的作用。”
“take good care of yourself”听上去有点“温暖”,好似朋友之间的问候,无论是语义还是语调都远远偏离了原文。
不过,查“GOOGLE翻译”,其真是将“好自为之”直接译成了“Take care of yourself”。不知《新闻周刊》是否是参考了“GOOGLE翻译”呢?!