素裡-吉爾福德選區重新計票由 BC 最高法院監督。法官 Kevin D. Loo 確認新民主黨現任議員 Garry Begg 以微弱優勢擊敗保守黨挑戰者 Honveer Singh Randhawa。
The judicial recount in the Surrey-Guildford electoral district is complete. Justice Kevin D. Loo of the Supreme Court of British Columbia has declared Garry Begg elected. Read more: https://t.co/YUwEizXEkk
喬治王子城-麥肯齊王子城的部分重新計票,是為了清點投票箱約有 861 張未點算的選票。當然重新計票不會改變結果,因為 BC 省保守黨的候選人以超過 5,000 票獲勝。
The partial judicial recount in the Prince George-Mackenzie electoral district is complete. Justice Ronald S. Tindale of the Supreme Court of British Columbia has declared Kiel Giddens elected. Read more: https://t.co/D05WnumSw7