加拿大陽光愛心藝術團 - 加拿大社會服務 | 北美中文黃頁

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加拿大陽光愛心藝術團非牟利的藝術團,團裡有多名國家級的藝術家加盟和指導,藝術團包含了戲曲、舞蹈、歌唱和器樂等等項目,我們經常在美國和加拿大參加各種社會慈善和公益演出,包括溫哥華中國文化節、溫哥華華人春晚演出、溫哥華中山公園京劇專場演出、美國三藩市International Art Museum Of America 的周年慶演出和洛杉磯的各種公益慈善演出等等,為弘揚中華文化和加拿大的多元文化做出了自己的努力。歡迎朋友們的支持和參與!


Sunshine Troupe Association

Our motto: Devoted Commitment, Public Service, Cultural Exchange, and Social Advancement

This troupe was established over two years ago as a non-profit performing arts troupe. Many of its members and leaders are nationally recognized performers in such fields as traditional Chinese opera, dance, singing and instrumental music. We frequently take part in philanthropic and public benefit performances in the United States and Canada, at events like the Vancouver Chinese Cultural Festival, the Anniversary Celebration Performances at the International Art Museum of America in San Francisco, and various public benefit shows in Los Angeles. We apply ourselves to the promotion of Chinese culture and Canada's multicultural society.

電話: +1 (778) 989-6877
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