馬航遇難者家屬所經歷的心路歷程 (ZT) |
作者:徐純 今日基督
主耶穌曾告訴門徒說:在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放下,我已經勝過了世間。(約16:33下)。主耶穌並沒有應許基督徒說我們可以免於苦難,只是說我們可以靠著他勝過苦難。 在我們的生活中,苦難是必不可少的,沒有人可以過一個完全沒有苦難的人生。那沒有痛苦,沒有眼淚,沒有悲傷的日子只有在我們的天家。
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點擊: 3833 | 評論: 4 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 神愛世人 | 論壇帖子 |
請問關於paypal,money order以及Craigslist (包括Ebay?)上的付款方式 |
最近因為在Craigslist買了一些東西,看著自己的舊Dell Laptop放在那裡半年多都沒有用過,所以決定也上Craigslist登廣告。廣告非常容易登,居然不用注冊,貼個Email地址就好。 原本還怕賣不出去,哪知貼了沒多久就有人說要了。馬上出去送電腦成交。回家後發現收到了另外幾個回復,其中有一個的非常有意思:原文如下,(可跳過)
Hello, I'm Mr Nate jose from USA.I fortunately came across your Item placed on Craigslist very attractive i was referred to Craigslist by a friend of my and I'm really interested in buying your item for my Daughter who is on vacation with her Dad,she work for the American embassy in one of the West African Countries,i am buying it for her as a Birthday gift and its urgently needed,i will be paying via PayPal as its fast and secure payment,get back to me with your PayPal email and the shipping cost Via Canadian Post...I will like to offer u ($160 USD) for the item only so i will be glad if you can reply me on time and i want you to get back to mew with your Paypal email in your reply so that i can proceed with the payment for you on time and i can also pay you via Royal Bank Of Canada Money Order door step delivery,the money will be deliver to you in cash at your door step,you just need to get back to me with your full name and address.i wait to hear back from you now as its urgent..Thank you very much.
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點擊: 6169 | 評論: 12 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 電子電玩 | 論壇帖子 |
一些加拿大學者給Harper政府和反對黨領袖的信, 主要是教育研究方面 (English) |
早上Email裡面收到的, 主要是有關教育研究, 有興趣大家可以看一下.
Dear colleague,
The following open letter to the Prime minister and the Leader of the Opposition was sent this morning, signed by hundreds of your colleagues across Canada. The french version follows the list of signatures below. You are encouraged to send your thoughts on the "DON'T LEAVE CANADA BEHIND CAMPAIGN" to the Prime Minister at <pm@pm.gc.ca> or/and to the Leader of the Opposition at <;
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點擊: 4451 | 評論: 2 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 投資理財 | 論壇帖子 |