

  2018-01-30 09:35:19
特朗普将发表上任后首次国情咨文演讲 吁两党合作


  中新网1月30日电 综合报道,美国总统特朗普将于美东时间30日晚上9点进行上任以来的首次国情咨文演讲。特朗普称这次国情咨文是“重要的演讲”,他希望能在移民等重大事项通过两党的合作解决问题。











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  1. KAIWIND 说道: Re: 特朗普今天发表上任后首次国情咨文

    2018-01-30 09:37:21

    the 2018 midterms

    Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

    Updated 10:25 AM ET, Tue January 30, 2018

    Washington (CNN)CongressionalDemocrats, benefiting from President Donald Trump's low approvalratings and historic trends working against the party in power, sit inthe catbird seat in the battle for control, according to new House and Senate ratings from CNN.

    TheHouse, in which Democrats need a 24-seat pickup to win the majoritythey lost in 2010, looks more favorable at the moment -- largely due tothe wide number of GOP-held seats in some level of jeopardy.

    Related: CNN's Key Races - House

    CNN's Key Races - Senate

    Accordingto CNN ratings, 61 Republican seats are either toss-ups (15), leaningGOP (21) or likely GOP (25). Compare that to just 22 Democratic seats inany sort of jeopardy this fall and you begin to grasp the depth ofRepublican vulnerability.

    There are two major reasons why so many Republican seats are in danger this fall:

    1.The 2010 and 2014 midterms were massive seat windfalls for Republicans.They won House control in 2010 and added to it in 2014. Following the2014 midterms, Republicans had their largest House majority since 1929.What that means is the only place for them to go is down in terms of theseats they control.

    2.Retirements in hard-to-hold districts have ravaged Republicans thisyear. Already 35 House GOPers have announced plans to retire or run forother offices this fall, far ahead of historic patterns. And it's notjust the number of retirements that is hurting Republicans -- it's wherethe seats are. Already six of the 23 Republicans in districts HillaryClinton won in 2016 are leaving and several others -- including New Jersey Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, who announced his retirement Monday -- are walking away from seats where Trump barely won in 2016.

    The unevenness of theplaying field is no guarantee for Democrats, of course. Political windscan -- and do -- shift and the vast majority of Republican incumbentshave been aware for the better part of the last year that they wouldface tougher-than-normal reelection races.

    Plus,netting 24 seats is no easy task. Consider this: Even if Democrats winevery one of the seats Clinton carried in 2016 that are currently heldby a Democrat -- and they won't -- the party would still be a singleseat short of the majority.

    Still.Democrats have experienced a candidate recruitment windfall thanks tohistoric trends (the president's party has lost an average of 25 Houseseats in a first-term, midterm election in the post World War II era)and a current political environment dominated by Trump's unpopularity.

    Combinethat glut of quality candidates with a widening playing field and theweight of history and Democrats look to be in very strong position towin back control of the House -- with the important caveat that theelection is still 280 days away.

    Onthe Senate side, things look less rosy for Democrats -- but still farbetter than the party had any reason to expect when this election cyclestarted a year-plus ago.

    The raw numbers are dauntingfor Democrats. They are defending 26 seats this November as compared tojust 8 for Republicans. Of those 26 seats, 10 are in states that Trumpcarried in 2016 -- including five (Indiana, Missouri, Montana, NorthDakota, West Virginia) that he carried by double digits.

    Giventhe Republican tilt of the playing field, some GOPers were talkingabout the possibility of controlling a filibuster-proof 60 seats afterthe 2018 election. No one is talking that way now.

    Thestunning victory by Democratic Sen. Doug Jones in Alabama was not only asign of how enthusiastic the Democratic base is but also narrowed theGOP Senate majority to just two seats.

    Key races to watch in the Senate in 2018 02:16

    Thepolitical environment -- and the ongoing battle between theestablishment and Trump wings of the GOP -- have also contributed tofaltering Republican prospects.

    InMontana and North Dakota, Republicans have struggled to land a top-tierrecruit despite the clear GOP tilt of those two states. Republicans havethe opposite problem in West Virginia and Indiana, where contested --and costly -- primaries are on the horizon.

    Infact, of the five states Trump won by double digits in 2016, only inMissouri, where Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is running forre-election, did Republicans get the candidate they wanted with arelatively clear primary field.
