

  2014-06-06 10:38:01
At the heart of everything graphical in Android is a class called BufferQueue. Its role is simple enough: connect something that generates buffers of graphical data (the "producer") to something that accepts the data for display or further processing (the "consumer"). The producer and consumer can live in different processes. Nearly everything that moves buffers of graphical data through the system relies on BufferQueue.
點擊: 0 | 評論: 2 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: android的星空 | 論壇帖子
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  1. Caribou 說道: 無題

    2014-06-06 10:46:54

    Device displays refresh at a certain rate, typically 60 frames per second on phones and tablets. If the display contents are updated mid-refresh, "tearing" will be visible; so it's important to update the contents only between cycles. The system receives a signal from the display when it's safe to update the contents. For historical reasons we'll call this the VSYNC signal.
  2. Caribou 說道: 無題

    2014-06-06 11:06:47
