

話說俺娘來俺這探親,周末也沒啥好玩的,俺娘超級稀飯購物,俺決定幫她申請一個美國簽證,以滿足她老人家的購物需求。 a206.gif

俺是3月在網上預約的,約到了4月底。網上自己填表,現在已經不記得填了些蝦米了。反正折騰了粉久才搞定。 yc_53.gif 照片是俺自己給俺娘照的,照了不下10張,終於調到了一張滿意的。
這裡要說明一下,背景不一定非白色不可。俺家的牆不是純白的,是有點帶黃色的off white。最後也通過了。 yc_56.gif
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請用微信 掃一掃 掃描上面的二維碼,然後點擊頁面右上角的 ... 圖標,然後點擊 發送給朋友分享到朋友圈,謝謝!


  1. CTU已經解散鳥 icon_twisted.gif

    不住在這 | 2009-05-01 15:59:56 | 引用

  2. 3120 寫道:
    米國簽證 寫道:
    米國簽證 is worth 發帖? Can't believe ...

    樓主的 ID 是無聊人

    不過,還是很好奇,樓主自稱在 RCMP 上班,難道這裡的 RCMP 就是這麼上班的嗎?


    so what?不服氣農也去考RCMP呀 yc_05.gif

    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 17:06:25 | 引用

  3. 接下來的等待是很無奈的,看著顯示屏上的號碼一個一個的增加,心裡計算著還有多久才能輪到我們。。。



    初見簽證官,偶還是比較緊張的,笑起來粉僵硬。 a205.gif



    偶當時就暈了 yc_07.gif “不是,不是,幾年前的”

    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 17:18:59 | 引用

  4. 還是無聊人 寫道:
    3120 寫道:
    米國簽證 寫道:
    米國簽證 is worth 發帖? Can't believe ...

    樓主的 ID 是無聊人

    不過,還是很好奇,樓主自稱在 RCMP 上班,難道這裡的 RCMP 就是這麼上班的嗎?


    so what?不服氣農也去考RCMP呀 yc_05.gif


    registrant | 2009-05-01 17:30:45 | 引用

  5. registrant 寫道:
    還是無聊人 寫道:
    3120 寫道:
    米國簽證 寫道:
    米國簽證 is worth 發帖? Can't believe ...

    樓主的 ID 是無聊人

    不過,還是很好奇,樓主自稱在 RCMP 上班,難道這裡的 RCMP 就是這麼上班的嗎?


    so what?不服氣農也去考RCMP呀 yc_05.gif


    really? a215.gif

    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 17:47:01 | 引用

  6. 樓主是為rcmp工作的? 請問具體做什麼啊,工資高嗎?


    宅女 | 2009-05-01 18:53:29 | 引用

  7. here is how:
    1. Be a Canadian citizen, be of good character, be proficient in either English or French, and be at least 18 years old when you apply.

    2. Write and pass the RCMP Police Aptitude Battery (RPAB). This is two separate tests. The RCMP Police Aptitude Test (RPAT) measures composition (spelling, grammar, and vocabulary), comprehension, memory, judgement, observation, logic, and computation. The Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ) measures an applicants’s conscientiousness and deals with concepts such as honesty, integrity and commitment.

    3. If you pass the RPAB your name will be placed on a list. Those with the most competitive scores advance and will be mailed a selection package of documents to complete by a certain time. The documents include a personal information form, a pre-employment polygraph questionnaire, medical forms, and a vision examination to be completed by your optometrist.

    4. Take and pass the Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation, a physical ability test designed to simulate a critical incident where a police officer chases, controls and apprehends a suspect.

    5. Succeed in the Regular Member Selection Interview.

    6. Take a pre-employment polygraph examination.

    7. Pass a background investigation of your suitability

    8. Pass medical, dental, visual, and psychological exams.

    9. Before you can enrol in cadet training, you must show proof of a typing certificate from an educational institution, and a valid standard first aid certificate from an organization approved under the Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, Canada Labour Code.

    10 Enrol as a Cadet, and go through 24 weeks of an intensive academic and physical program at the RCMP Training Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan.


    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 19:35:27 | 引用

  8. here is the link:

    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 19:36:38 | 引用

  9. 無聊MM不要擠牙膏,一下子都泄,偶不,是寫出來好嗎?:lol:

    本那比經略 | 2009-05-01 19:41:55 | 引用

  10. 本那比經略 寫道:

    不好意思啊,偶在網上打游戲呢,游戲開始了就沒辦法寫了 a213.gif

    還是無聊人 | 2009-05-01 20:17:52 | 引用
