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最後更新: 2012-02-15


[ 2012-02-10 07:04:46 | By: 金子 ]

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Re: 今年會大漲的和大跌的資源類品種。
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:





金銀在中文裡是兄弟,在市場裡完全兩碼事,建議年比較一下SLV 和 GLD 過去一年的價格變化。



銀是有工業用途的,最近漲是經濟看好,隨BASIC MATERIAL漲。金漲是個意外,大把的人和你有同樣觀點認為經濟向好,金價會跌。你可以直接去比金銀的歷史價,完全兩種東東。


2012-02-10 23:06:37 | 引用
Re: 今年會大漲的和大跌的資源類品種。
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:





金銀在中文裡是兄弟,在市場裡完全兩碼事,建議年比較一下SLV 和 GLD 過去一年的價格變化。



銀是有工業用途的,最近漲是經濟看好,隨BASIC MATERIAL漲。金漲是個意外,大把的人和你有同樣觀點認為經濟向好,金價會跌。你可以直接去比金銀的歷史價,完全兩種東東。


“當石油從2008年7月的140跌到2009年1月的40,期間也有庫存大幅下降的時候,該跌還是跌。從1月後漲到現在的100多,當中也有庫存大漲的時候,價不跌就是漲,其中沒有一定正相關的道理” - 沒看懂你想說啥。 現在不單單是庫存過剩,產能,儲量都過剩,還是做點RESEARCH吧。

“GAS漲,電廠破產了,怎麼啦,難道為了電廠,GAS一定要跌,有這道理的嗎?”- 電廠改設備是經過論證的,因為GAS價格會長期處在低位,GAS比COAL更便宜,所以才會改。


2012-02-10 23:24:01 | 引用
Re: 今年會大漲的和大跌的資源類品種。
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:
teddybearvan 寫道:
金子 寫道:





金銀在中文裡是兄弟,在市場裡完全兩碼事,建議年比較一下SLV 和 GLD 過去一年的價格變化。



銀是有工業用途的,最近漲是經濟看好,隨BASIC MATERIAL漲。金漲是個意外,大把的人和你有同樣觀點認為經濟向好,金價會跌。你可以直接去比金銀的歷史價,完全兩種東東。


“當石油從2008年7月的140跌到2009年1月的40,期間也有庫存大幅下降的時候,該跌還是跌。從1月後漲到現在的100多,當中也有庫存大漲的時候,價不跌就是漲,其中沒有一定正相關的道理” - 沒看懂你想說啥

“GAS漲,電廠破產了,怎麼啦,難道為了電廠,GAS一定要跌,有這道理的嗎?”- 電廠改設備是經過論證的,因為GAS價格會長期處在低位,GAS比COAL更便宜,所以才會改。



2012-02-10 23:29:30 | 引用
Silver Uses
Although silver is relatively scarce, it is the most plentiful and least expensive of the precious metals. The largest silver producing countries are Mexico, Peru, the United States, Australia and Chile. Sources of silver include; silver mined directly, silver mined as a by-product of gold, copper, lead and zinc mining, and silver extracted from recycled materials, primarily used photographic materials. Today, silver bullion stocks make up a significant component of silver supply.

The demand for silver comes primarily from three areas; industrial uses, jewelry and silverware, and photography. These industries represent 95 percent of annual silver consumption. Silver’s superior properties make it a highly desirable industrial component. Silver’s artistic beauty and status make it one of the most romantic and sought after precious metals.

Diversity is silver’s primary asset. Its unique properties include beauty, strength, sensitivity to light, malleability and ductility, electrical and thermal conductivity, reflectivity and the ability to endure extreme temperature changes. These properties allow groundbreaking research to be conducted by scientists and engineers that effect the way we live.

Silver more than other precious metals, has significant demand rooted in sectors as diverse as imaging, electronics, jewelry, coinage, superconductivity and water purification. For this reason, silver is no longer known as just a precious metal, a store of value, a work of art or an industrial metal. It is all of these. Today silver is indispensable, working all around us to improve the quality of our lives.

2012-02-11 09:07:11 | 引用
“銀子有一定的工業用途,但量比占多少呢?” - 掃掃盲,買賣銀子,居然不知道用途。

In 2008, the world silver demand was as follows: 53 percent of all silver demand was for industrial use, 24 percent for jewelry and silverware, 13 percent for photography, 7 percent for coins, and 3 percent for investment. Most of the silver used in industrial applications now is for electrical components, such as cell phones, laptops, iPods, televisions, and any appliances that have an electronic motherboard. The future of electric cars and silver-zinc batteries will increase the consumption of silver。

2012-02-11 09:11:57 | 引用
Re: 今年會大漲的和大跌的資源類品種。
The World Bank (WB) announced that it has lowered the forecast for global economic growth for 2012. The WB reduced GDP growth projects to 2.5 percent, stating that the crisis in Europe may slow down countries like China and India.

“Emerging markets are more vulnerable than in 2008 to a renewed global crisis because rich nations wouldn’t have the fiscal resources they had back then to support their economies. Developing countries, whose deficits have also widened, should engage in contingency planning to have the necessary fiscal leeway if need be,” stated the World Bank in its Global Economic Prospects report.

The news may be troubling for silver in particular, as approximately 50 percent of the total demand for the metal comes from industrial use. A reduction in Chinese growth would certainly dent the industrial demand for silver.

Major firms cut silver price forecasts

Both Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse have cut their price forecast for silver this year.

Citing uninspiring economic prospects and the case for a stronger dollar, Morgan Stanley cut their projection 29 percent for an annualized average of $35.48 per ounce. A previous prediction from the firm forecasted silver prices reaching $50 an ounce in 2012.

However, the new target price is still expected to make a 7.8 percent gain over the the average price of $32.91 per ounce in 2011.

Credit Suisse’s forecast for silver prices was cut from $33.70 per ounce to $32.70 per ounce. The brokerage did state that the price of silver could benefit from a rising gold price, as well as an improvement in risk appetite.

2012-02-11 09:31:03 | 引用
Re: 今年會大漲的和大跌的資源類品種。
Industrial demand
Prices this year are not expected to be driven up by silver’s industrial personality. HSBC predicts that industrial demand will likely support prices, but expects growth to be moderate. ScotiaMocatta made similar predictions citing cautious consumers and the outlook for a difficult 2012 as reasons for softening fabrication demand though new applications may result in modest growth.
Mining production was expected to increase by 30 million ounces in 2011 and by a similar amount this year. Production from recycling has been on the rise and is expected to continue in 2012. Silver is a commodity in surplus and there is little indication that will change anytime soon.
TD Securities predicts that oversupply is a risk for prices.”In the past, silver’s industrial side has generated deep corrections for the white metal and we don’t expect it will be much different this time around, with a correction to materially below $25/oz entirely possible,”the firm said.

Investment activity
Given the state of supply and the potential of a global slowdown, investors should not expect supply and demand fundamentals to be a real driver of prices. On the contrary, a strong silver market in 2012, if realized, is expected to rest on the backs of investors. Market sentiment will be, by most analysts accounts, the make or break factor this year.
Many long term investors seemed to have largely maintained their positions last year. Further rebuilding of long term investments is expected. Coin and small bar demand was also strong and is expected to remain positive in 2012. Together these investors provide more support for silver prices.
But the real volatile swings in prices are likely to come if and when speculators and safe haven seekers start avidly entering and exiting the game. Economic conditions are expected to be a draw and a positive fundamental for silver at times. But, investors should have their eyes peeled on why prices move when they do.
At the ETF Securities Precious Metals Conference, Steel warned that investors should expect a lot of volatility due to a number of false positives from the euro.
ScotiaMocatta warns that currency debasement and deflation could prompt safe haven interest in the short to medium term. However, the firm also warns that though investors may show up when in need of saftey, when it appears that the West is getting their finances in order, large scale disinvestment is expected as people will likely prefer assets offering better returns.
Though the US is still plagued with debt, investors should keep their eyes on positive economic data from that nation. The dollar has made a strong showing at the start of 2012 and if this continues, even with economic uncertainty elsewhere, it could be a struggle for silver to reel in safe haven cash.

2012-02-11 09:37:18 | 引用
teddybearvan 寫道:
“銀子有一定的工業用途,但量比占多少呢?” - 掃掃盲,買賣銀子,居然不知道用途。

In 2008, the world silver demand was as follows: 53 percent of all silver demand was for industrial use, 24 percent for jewelry and silverware, 13 percent for photography, 7 percent for coins, and 3 percent for investment. Most of the silver used in industrial applications now is for electrical components, such as cell phones, laptops, iPods, televisions, and any appliances that have an electronic motherboard. The future of electric cars and silver-zinc batteries will increase the consumption of silver。


2012-02-11 09:40:25 | 引用
teddybearvan 寫道:
“銀子有一定的工業用途,但量比占多少呢?” - 掃掃盲,買賣銀子,居然不知道用途。

In 2008, the world silver demand was as follows: 53 percent of all silver demand was for industrial use, 24 percent for jewelry and silverware, 13 percent for photography, 7 percent for coins, and 3 percent for investment. Most of the silver used in industrial applications now is for electrical components, such as cell phones, laptops, iPods, televisions, and any appliances that have an electronic motherboard. The future of electric cars and silver-zinc batteries will increase the consumption of silver。


2012-02-11 10:12:43 | 引用


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