IES協會介紹 , Introduction to the IES 

  2024-11-06 15:37:38
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IES協會介紹 Introduction to the IES

  2024-11-06 15:28:11
Introduction to the IES International Exchange Society
The IES International Exchange Society (IES) is a vibrant organization dedicated to enhancing the well-being of seniors and fostering strong community connections. Founded in 2011, IES has significantly contributed to the social and cultural fabric of the community, focusing on lifelong learning, cultural exchange, and active social engagement.
IES has been deeply involved in major community events such as Canada Day parades in Vancouver and Richmond, as well as Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11. These gatherings not only honor Canadian traditions but also bring together seniors, families, and residents to celebrate shared values and strengthen community bonds. By actively involving seniors in these events, IES cultivates a sense of belonging and pride within the community.
Beyond public celebrations, IES designs programs specifically for seniors, aiming to enrich their lives and keep them actively engaged. It offers arts and calligraphy classes where seniors can explore their creative talents while preserving cultural traditions. These artistic activities are complemented by practical life skills courses, such as English language classes, equipping seniors with the necessary communication tools to navigate daily life and participate confidently in community activities. To help seniors remain connected in the digital age, IES also organizes smartphone photography workshops, teaching participants to use technology creatively and effectively.
Health and wellness form a core component of IES's mission. The society hosts self-care workshops for seniors, emphasizing the importance of physical and mental well-being as they age. These sessions provide practical guidance on maintaining health, managing stress, and staying active. Additionally, cooking classes are offered, teaching seniors how to prepare simple, nutritious meals, promoting healthy dietary habits, and developing essential cooking skills. 
In response to the increasing prevalence of digital scams, IES educates seniors about financial fraud and technology-related crimes, providing them with strategies to protect themselves in the digital landscape.
One of the most impactful aspects of IES’s work is its role in assisting newcomers as they transition into Canadian society. IES creates a welcoming and supportive environment for immigrants, offering programs to help them adjust to their new surroundings, connect with neighbors, and build meaningful relationships within the community. By bridging cultural divides and promoting inclusivity, IES plays a vital role in fostering a harmonious and diverse society.
IES is committed to serving seniors and promoting social inclusion. Through its comprehensive programs, the organization has enriched the lives of countless seniors, helping them stay active, engaged, and connected. Its work not only benefits individual participants but also strengthens the entire community, creating a supportive network where both seniors and newcomers can thrive.

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  2024-11-06 15:22:35
點擊: 1558 | 評論: 0 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 社團之窗 | 論壇帖子


  2024-11-06 15:19:14

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中國大專院校校友會講座:《政府資助small business員工培訓新政策介紹》 

  2018-07-26 13:55:22
10月9日 周二下午1:30-3:00




電話: 778 776 1234 LILY

地址: #2380-8888 Odlin Cre Richmind太古廣場二樓

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點擊: 4090 | 評論: 3 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 社團之窗 | 論壇帖子


  2018-07-26 12:30:03
每個周五上午 10:00-12:00
《Marketing 》
--- 新形勢市場營銷新策略




電話 778 776 1234 MAY


地址: 2385- 8888 ODLIN CRE, RICHMOND


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點擊: 2914 | 評論: 1 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 社團之窗 | 論壇帖子

中國大專院校校友會講座 《走訪美國八大名校 心得分享會》9月12日周六上午

  2015-09-01 17:50:13
《走訪美國八大名校 心得分享會》
-- ---- 訪談資深招錄官,深度探究名校錄取要求,以招錄官的視角分享名校申請攻略




*世界排名第二藝術與設計學院--帕森斯設計學院: 錄取角度和創新思維能力。

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中國大專院校校友會 《陽光下午茶的約會》話題:聊聊公校和私校 9月2日周三下午 

  2015-09-01 15:55:36
今日話題:聊聊公校和私校, 聊聊孩子的教育

時間: 9月2日 周三下午1:00 - 3:00 pm
地點: BC 教育城, 5631 NO3 RD RICHMOND

咖啡茶點招待, 理會共恭候您的光臨

查詢電話: 6045375719

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中國大專院校校友會 舉辦《入籍英文輔導班》

  2015-08-21 13:19:54

每周三上午10:00- 12:00 入籍英文輔導班

幫助新移民入籍培訓,了解加拿大文化,歷史,地理,生活 ,購物,餐廳等內容而定。

滾動開班, 隨時加入班級

上課地點 : BC 教育城 5631 - NO3 RD RICHMOND

報名電話: 604 200 8784
點擊: 928 | 評論: 1 | 分類: 缺省 | 論壇: 社團之窗 | 論壇帖子

中國大專院校校友會講座《 如何申請北美大學》8月23日周日下午

  2015-08-21 13:10:47



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2015年8月23日 星期日 下午2:00-4:00

講座地點:100-5631 No.3 Road, Richmond

預約電話:604-200-8784, 778-297-6833
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