Merry Christmas To You - 祝你聖誕快樂

2008-12-20 19:38:02
又是一年聖誕,無論你在哪裡,無論你是否收到了祝福,一起來分享Christmas Songs,一起來分享祝福。

Wish you a white Christmas with happiness and joy!

"The Christmas Song"

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos

Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow

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點擊: 1854 | 評論: 18 | 分類: 電影音樂 | 論壇: 溫哥華不眠夜 | 論壇帖子

To Make You Feel My Love 

2008-12-06 21:42:51
第一次聽到這首歌是在看Sandra Bullock主演的電影《Hope Floats》.很多時候我在想究竟是因為這部電影才喜歡上這首歌還是因為喜歡它裡面的歌才喜歡這部電影呢?又或許兩者都有。《Hope Floats》談不上是什麼大制作也談不上經典, 可是每看一次都忍不住會流淚每一首歌都百聽不厭。
Brain Adam
When You Love Some One

Deanna Carter What Make You Stay

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點擊: 1052 | 評論: 0 | 分類: 電影音樂 | 論壇: 視聽世界 | 論壇帖子

北美情景喜劇- US Sitcoms

2008-11-16 09:25:35


Golden Girls

國內看過這個喜劇的朋友可能並不多,現在電視也很少轉播了。記得當年剛看到時,真的很為這4個老女孩的幽默、直爽和友誼所吸引。劇本也從另外一個角度看到北美老人是如何度過他們的余生,正如片首曲所唱的:Thank you for being a friend.多年以後和同事聊天才發現,其實Golden Girls也是很多北美女性的最愛。

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點擊: 2721 | 評論: 21 | 分類: 電影音樂 | 論壇: 視聽世界 | 論壇帖子

Whispering Steppes -細雨咽咽的草原

2008-11-02 13:37:15
齊豫的歌聲大氣宛如空谷回音。自從很久以前看《歡顏》就喜歡上了,相信很多fans都不會忘記她的這首 Whispering Steppes。

Love is dear, lover is rare
Love is never where your eyes would stare
Unexpectedly even blindingly
Love will show its face to you, no lie
Fears subside, clearly why
Time has come for me to stand aside
Unencumberedly though reluctantly
Upon the whispering steppes I lie with pride
I was cradle of my hopes,now lies my resting grave

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點擊: 1551 | 評論: 6 | 分類: 電影音樂 | 論壇: 視聽世界 | 論壇帖子

Favorite Movies, Memorable Quotes and Beautiful Soundtracks

2008-10-12 14:32:11

Forrest Gump (all time favorite)

"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

You have to do the best with what God gave you.

Dying is a part of life

You've got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze, but I think maybe it's both.

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點擊: 7203 | 評論: 30 | 分類: 電影音樂 | 論壇: 原創原地 | 論壇帖子
