飓风猎人 飞入伊恩风暴凤眼拍照

日期: 2022-09-28
新闻主题: 华盛顿,纽约,旧金山,洛杉矶,西雅图,拉斯维加斯,黄石,盐湖城,底特律,费城,波特兰,奥巴马,希拉里

来源: 美国中文网

尼克·安德伍德(Nick Underwood)是一名“飓风猎人”,经常要冒着生命危险穿越飓风,忍受气旋中倾盆的暴雨和让人肺腑翻腾的湍流,寻找风眼。本文图自Nick Underwood推特


Absolutely wild. All of this in the eye, in which we circled for some time to deploy the UAS (uncrewed aerial system).

A high end Cat 4 storm. Nearly Cat 5.

All of this at 8,000 feet above the ocean. I’m glad we only did one pass. pic.twitter.com/hd2L7icLQY — Tropical Nick Underwood (@TheAstroNick) September 28, 2022



Lots of new folks so:

Hi! I’m Nick Underwood. I’m an engineer for the NOAA Hurricane Hunters. I’ve been hunting hurricanes and supporting science missions aboard these aircraft for the last six years. I’m flying with a crew into Hurricane #Ian in a few hours. Ask me anything. pic.twitter.com/SAxjpDJl1s — Tropical Nick Underwood (@TheAstroNick) September 27, 2022

本文章来自于 加西网 (温哥华门户网)
