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加拿大醫Dr.Mel Bruche和醫生Dr. Meryl Ness,因為說出疫苗真相 被吊銷執照 (發表於1年前)

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論壇廣告 請關注北美中文網每周電器促銷,優惠多多!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 16:53 引用回復
Vancouver, BC, February 14, 2022 C On November 16, Drs Bruchet and Nagase drew attention to a  revelatory report of 13 stillborn deaths, occurring in a single 24-hour period in a BC Hospital, to fully  vaccinated mothers. The doctors launched an official complaint with the RCMP against Dr Bonnie Henry,  Adrian Dix and executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest  influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia. Dr. Nagase  stated, “I have suspicions that the policies being enacted upon the citizens of B.C. are motivated not in the  interests of public health, but are rather motivated by financial interests. We need to request the RCMP to  conduct a forensic investigation into discovering whether or not there are conflicts of interest affecting  our Health officer, causing her to institute policies that are harmful to British Columbians.” 

Late evening on December 8, 2021, three RCMP cruisers arrived at the home of Dr. Mel Bruchet, a  prominent member of a Sovereign Doctor’s Board, forcibly handcuffed and arrested him on ambiguous  charges, took him into custody and placed him in Lyon’s Gate, Hope Centre, to be held and detained  against his will over 25 days. He was forcibly administered ‘Loxapine’, an antipsychotic drug that warns of a “high mortality rate” when taken by seniors. Dr Bruchet and suffered a number of mini-strokes as a  result.1

February 2nd, Dr Negase, his Counsel, Peoples of the Salmon (PotS) Headsman, Popois and an Assistant  went to the North Vancouver Courthouse, to file aggravated assault charges against the psychiatric Centre  staff, who knowingly forced a medication on Dr Bruchet that can cause strokes, heart attacks and death. Under Sovereign Common Law, they did not rise, as Judge Joanne Challenger entered the Court, so as not  to be ruled under judicial law. She left with the Sheriff and returned a second time, and when they did not  rise, following a lecture about Canada being “the most lawful nation in the world.” the Judge exited and  the Sheriff ordered Dr Nagase to leave the Court. When the doctor questioned him when the “order” was  made, he brutally grabbed the doctor’s hands, dragged him from his seat, knocked off his glasses and threw him to the floor in front of the bench. Four more Sheriffs entered the court, one kneed Dr Nagase  in the back and damaged his kidney and one knee, while another put him in a choke hold that almost  rendered him unconscious. When his Counsel shouted to “leave him alone”, two other Sheriffs dragged  Popois out of the Courtroom, threw him on the ground and forcefully handcuffed him. The two men were  kept in solitary confinement for 3 hours, searched without warrant and then released without charge. 

Pfizer and Bill Gates have funded billions in bribes to Corporation of Canada governments2, media and  health care practitioners for decades, to ensure support for the Trillions they receive from the imposition  of their addictive chemical drugs and vaccines, of which they have had no liability since the 1986 Act! The  attitudes and actions of those who accepted these bribes, who are elected under the edict of the 

  1. https://drtrozzi.org/2022/01/10/heroic-dr-mel-bruchet-md-80-years-old-handcuffed-drugged-and imprisoned-for-warning-us/
  2. https://anishinaabek.com/2016/06/30/how-canada-is-not-a-country
  3. Words with [brackets] in Common Law alters the word from a negative to a positive 
    Hippocratic Oath “Do no Harm” and employed to serve and protect ‘We the People’, are now corrupt,  tyrannical, criminal and the antithesis of what we were born into this Heavenly Earth to experience. What  dark and fearful spell has cast a shadow on the minds and hearts of humankind?  

    The Truckers, who provide a service to bring food and supplies that sustain us to our doorsteps have taken  courage and a great stand for our Sovereign freedoms, rights, for the love of life and humankind. On  December 11, in a powerful revelatory speech to these brave and loving spirits, Dr Nagase stated, “In each  and every one of you, I see the fire of heart, the justice of the soul, the reverence of Creation in whose  honour we live and breathe. A life well lived is not measured by fortunes and worldly existence. It is  measured by deeds done, momentous acts of courage and the knowledge we use each and every day …  under the guidance of our God given souls for the service of excellence. For as Plato said long ago, ‘Justice  is excellence of the soul.’ We are justice. We are founders of a new Nation. We stand for Freedom!” 

    Dr Nagase has united with the PotS in their valiant cause to break the shackles of the corrupt Corporation of Canada, to guide all peoples who walk on the “sacred lands” aka ‘Kanatan’ and desire a restoration of  their God given Sovran Freedoms and Rights. Popois stated, “We all need to walk off this ‘corporate ship  

    of [ad]miralty3, and claim back our security of our PERSON, which was stolen from us with the birth  certificate. When you join the Peoples of the Salmon, we will make sure that you are the secured party of  your property, no longer a fetus on a mother-ship. You then reclaim your Sovereign Spirit. When we walk  in unity, we will take us all out of the corporation… We all have a common goal to be free, to be sovereign,  with our Common Law de jure government.” 

    A declaration/petition was created by the PotS to present a vote of non-confidence in the Canadian  government, and end the tyranny imposed on all who desire truth, a fruitful life and peace on Earth. To  join the Peoples of the Salmon in their Mission and sign the declaration/petition visit: peoplesofthesalmon.net...-governed/For more information visit  https://peoplesofthesalmon.net or contact admin@peoplesofthesalmon.net


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論壇廣告 Oakridge Park—毗鄰溫西Oakridge購物中心,限時三年特惠,利率低至3.88%

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論壇廣告 口水直流!加西網推出大溫餐館點評!發評論就可掙加西鎊!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:04 引用回復

Dr. Daniel Nagase (丹尼爾·長瀬)

#加拿大 #艾伯塔省 #Rimbey醫院 的急診醫師 #DanielNagase 博士也在 #麥吉爾大學 學習了 #細胞生物學 和生理學。

#Nagase博士 在用單劑量的 #伊維菌素 治癒了 3 名 #COVID19 患者(其中2名70多歲和1名90多歲)之後「被解僱」。


丹尼爾因於2021年11月11日向加拿大皇家騎警就有關不列顛哥倫比亞省內科醫生和外科醫生學院的「潛在財務利益衝突」提起刑事訴訟而聞名,其中他揭露了 #輝瑞 的 #病態實驗,以及為「暴力議程」服務的 #犯罪分子。

加拿大官員必因 #強制接種 而被判有罪,研究清楚地表明,接種比Covid-19本身危險得多。

由於公共衛生和醫療專業人員透明組織披露了從2020年12月1日至2021年2月28 日向輝瑞公司報告的不利影響,他獲得了輝瑞的文件,這些結果被批准分發給監管機構和政府。輝瑞自己 3 個月的實驗結果顯示,3%的接種受害者死亡,另有28%未康復或因接種而受損。這是2021年4月30日發布的,但所謂的「官員」仍在繼續推動授權、#疫苗護照,甚至是 #注射兒童。



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論壇廣告 Richmond Signature 馬自達精選車型利率0%, 再加$特別折扣!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:04 引用回復
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論壇廣告 溫哥華金鑰匙會計事務所,收費低標准,服務高質量!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:05 引用回復
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論壇廣告 溫哥華Lipont Place力邦藝術港:活動場地租賃,拍攝場地租賃!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:09 引用回復
Dr. Daniel Nagase Reveals The Abomination-Shot Was Designed To Corrupt DNA Into Future Generations (rumble.com)
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論壇廣告 房地產私募基金—平均年化高於7%的收益!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:10 引用回復
Dr. Danial Nagase :
#加拿大 🇨🇦 #丹尼爾長瀨博士

加拿大艾伯塔省 Rimbey 醫院的急診醫師 Daniel Nagase 博士也在麥吉爾大學學習了細胞生物學和生理學。

#Nagase博士 在用單劑量的 #伊維菌素 治癒了3名 #COVID19 患者(其中2名70多歲和1名90多歲)後被解僱。

在影片中,他揭露了 #疫苗實驗 結果…
#重要元素 是由「碳」和「氧」在「#室溫下自行組裝」的 #晶體結構….

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論壇廣告 溫哥華柯正x醫生抗衰老醫學美容診所:讓您更年輕更美麗!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:11 引用回復
cientists discover ‘Carbon Nanotech’ & ‘Radioactive Thulium’ in Pfizer & Moderna COVID Vaccines

After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr. Daniel Nagase revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA.
Dr. Nagase is a Canadian emergency room doctor who was put on involuntary leave for successfully treating Covid patients with ivermectin in a central-Alberta hospital in 2021.  He has since been touring through Alberta and British Columbia (“BC”) speaking at rallies on treatment options for Covid. Nagase said he has also been “learning a lot about the legal system” while reviewing the medical records of people whose family members believe have died as a result of the “vaccines.”
In the video below Dr. Nagase discusses his findings with Melanie Risdon, a reporter with the Western Standard.

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Dr. Nagase was able to obtain samples of both Pfizer and Moderna Covid injections.  “Unfortunately, both these samples had to travel for an extensive period of time in various vehicles. So, they’ve been unrefrigerated for up to two months. I don’t know exactly how long they’ve been left unrefrigerated,” he said.
Initially, the research group looked at these Moderna and Pfizer samples under a regular microscope. Although there were a lot of very interesting images, they were unable to be conclusive about what exactly they were seeing. So, they used an electron microscope to determine what elements the “vaccines” contained.
“You would expect to see carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus – all the things you would normally see in a protein,” he said.  The team of researchers found carbon and oxygen but none of the samples contained nitrogen or phosphorous.
“X-ray spectroscopy didn’t detect any nitrogen or phosphorus. So, if those complex shapes – that rectangle with all the dots arranged in a grid – were the result of some kind of biological process … then there should be nitrogen and phosphorus there in addition to carbon and oxygen. Because every living thing, whether it’s a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus.”
And electron microscopy revealed the same, no nitrogen and no phosphorous.
“[This] particular Moderna sample from somewhere in Canada has no RNA in it. It has no mRNA. Or if there was mRNA in it, somehow it disappeared after being left unrefrigerated for anywhere from one to two months,” he said.
Dr.  Nagase examined a “ball with the legs growing out of it” found inside a Moderna sample. “This shape, this ball with the legs growing out of it, for some reason has aluminium in it. And I can say with certainty that this isn’t a mould spore or some other type of biological contamination, because the only thing in it is carbon, oxygen, and no signs of nitrogen, no signs of phosphorus, which would indicate something biological of origin. So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological.”
?????????????????????" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27a.jpg?fit=300%2C177&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27a.jpg?fit=515%2C303&ssl=1" decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27a.jpg?resize=639%2C376&ssl=1" alt="" class="wp-image-113619 jetpack-lazy-image jetpack-lazy-image--handled" width="639" height="376" data-recalc-dims="1" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27a.jpg?w=515&ssl=1 515w, i0.wp.com/expose-news....C177&ssl=1 300w" data-lazy-loaded="1" sizes="(max-width: 639px) 100vw, 639px" loading="eager" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; box-sizing: border-box; display: block; margin: 0px auto 1em;">Found in a Moderna Covid “vaccine” sample
This confirms what Polish biologist and geologist Dr. Franc Zalewksi discovered last year about what he called a “something” or a “thing” and was later called a “nano-octopus” by La Quinta Columna.
“It seems to have one head and three legs. I did some tests and here are the results: aluminium, bromine and carbon,” Dr. Zalewski said. He established that the head of the “thing” was made of aluminium.
A surprising and new discovery that Dr. Nagase and the researchers made was an unusual element from the lanthanide series – thulium – in a fibre-like structure found in a Pfizer sample.
?????????????????????" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27b.jpg?fit=300%2C182&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27b.jpg?fit=510%2C309&ssl=1" decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27b.jpg?resize=639%2C387&ssl=1" alt="" class="wp-image-113620 jetpack-lazy-image jetpack-lazy-image--handled" width="639" height="387" data-recalc-dims="1" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/expose-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/May-27b.jpg?w=510&ssl=1 510w, i0.wp.com/expose-news....C182&ssl=1 300w" data-lazy-loaded="1" sizes="(max-width: 639px) 100vw, 639px" loading="eager" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; box-sizing: border-box; display: block; margin: 0px auto 1em;">Found in a Pfizer Covid “vaccine” sample
According to Wikipedia, as edited 20 April 2022, “thulium is the second-least abundant of the lanthanides … It is an easily workable metal with a bright silvery-grey lustre. It is fairly soft and slowly tarnishes in air. Despite its high price and rarity, thulium is used as the radiation source in portable X-ray devices, and in some solid-state lasers. It has no significant biological role and is not particularly toxic … it is never found in nature in pure form, but it is found in small quantities in minerals with other rare earths … The principal sources today are the ion adsorption clays of southern China.”
Dr. Nagase and the researchers found a variety of shapes and structures inside the “vaccine” samples they tested – crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibres and balls with legs growing out of them – “we have polymorphic, which is many different forms,” he said.
“They all seem to be made predominantly out of carbon and oxygen and they were in both the Moderna and Pfizer samples, and they seem to be in fibre forms. In the Moderna sample, the carbon-oxygen structures seem to be taking nanosphere forms and crystalline forms. And in the Pfizer sample … seem to only be forming fibres and crystals.
“So again, what are all these things doing? Carbon-oxygen can certainly be a sign that there’s graphene in it but how do they make graphene take all these different shapes: from spheres to fibres to crystals, this is a technology that I am not aware of with my scientific knowledge.
“I don’t even know if this carbon technology, this carbon nanotechnology is in every batch or is it just in the batches they sent to Canada? Is Canada one half of an experiment and certain States in the US are getting a slightly different batch without the carbon nanotech? And then are countries around the world being given different injections, and we’re being observed to see, ‘well, who dies the fastest, who gets the sickest or what kind of illnesses result’ from experimental ingredients being indiscriminately and without disclosure being given to people?”
Click on the image below to watch Dr, Nagase’s presentation on Rumble.
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論壇廣告 振龍電器—名牌家電專營店,品種齊全,價格最優!

文章 時間: 2022-12-07 17:12 引用回復
今晚,前加拿大皇家騎警官員 Markus Ray、Holly 醫生、Daniel Nagase 醫生(因在患者身上使用伊維菌素而被解雇)、Mel 醫生(在獅門醫院揭露死胎,被戴上手銬,送往精神病房並服用導致他中風的藥物 www.greekradiofl.com/e...),Charles Hoffe 博士(他透露了 60% 的血塊他被刺傷的病人)- 所有人都在溫哥華復興中心發表了講話

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