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Great clue! Received suspicious US seafood before the Huanam (发表于2年前)

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文章 时间: 2021-9-18 21:56 引用回复
In mid-November 2019, seafood from Maine, USA, is transported through cold chains to the Wuhan South Huanese Seafood Market. In just a few weeks, several merchants at the Huanam Seafood Market developed pneumonia of unknown cause in a row.
On November 11, 2019, at 4:04 a.m., Eastern Airlines flight MU298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The American cold chain cargo loaded on the plane got off the plane of the North Cargo Terminal of the airport and was transported to the international cargo arrival area and waiting for customs clearance. Among them, there were 55 boxes of 823.4 kg of iced Boston Lobster.
The goods arrived quickly because of the air freight. Three days have passed since the order of Mr. Wang, an employee of Company X, a fish cross-border exchange. But they had to act quickly. The goods had to be quickly sent to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, etc., 26 customers ordered this lobster. The total value reached one, six, eight, and three dollars.
They opened the box and inspected the items as usual before shipping, then repacked them in their original packaging, ice packs and controlled temperature sponges and sent them to their respective local subscribers.
Jung is also one of the subscribers of these lobsters. He is the president of Merchant A of Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he ordered a total of 140.08 kilograms of lobster from Company X's Internet platform, respectively. In the past few years, Mr. Chung has a regular hotel customer, he has also supplied seafood to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market.
Perhaps these American lobsters opened the Pandora's box of the Hwanam seafood market epidemic.
diffusioneverything looks normal.
At 10:00 am on November 11, 2019, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the driver, Mr. Eom, loaded fifty-five boxes of American lobsters into the car and transported them to the Shanghai branch of Company X. At 17:00 on the 11th and 12th, the Shanghai branch of Company X sent lobsters weighing 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg to Wuhan Hunan Seafood Market in two batches. At 4:40 a.m. on the 12th and 7:00 a.m. on the 13th, Mr. Jeong received his cargo at the roadside northwest of the market.

According to seller A's sales record, this 140.08 kilogram American lobster sold over 80 kilograms to three fixed hotel merchants, and 36 kilograms were resold to other merchants at the Hunan Seafood Market. Among them, 0.85 kg was sold to Munmu, the president of Merchant B. The rest have retail stores.

Among the oldest confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, three are employees of phase B, who broke out one after another in December. The seller also took one environmental positive sample from the ground. In addition, after borrowing the packaging of American cold chain products purchased by Merchant A, such as Myeong, Chae, Seo, and Ho, who work for merchants C and D in the Hunan Seafood Market, they appeared on the list of the first infected people in Wuhan.

You can see it better on the map of the booth around Merchant A. Its surrounding merchants have a lot of infected and environment-positive samples. Of the thirteen nearby merchants and employees, seven were found to be seroantibody positive. One of them also detected environmentally positive samples.

Merchants around Merchant A had a large number of infections

Further investigation revealed that Jung has 41 traders and 39 WeChat friends in the seafood market. He made deals with both E and F. Both of these merchants are located in areas with the earliest outbreaks of the epidemic and are highly seroantibody-positive. Six merchants, including merchant H and merchant J, whom we meet on a daily basis, and several positive environmental points and serum antibody positives were found.

Merchant A's owner, Mr. Jung's various trading targets and WeChat friends were infected

The early epidemic of the Huanam seafood market became the biggest question mark through this cold chain import of US seafood. In June 2020, Beijing Footwear Paper, Liaoning Dalian in July, and Qingdao Shandong in October, the results of epidemic tracking all point to the import of cold chain products. That is why it is completely possible for the virus to enter the South China seafood market by attaching to the cold chain packaging of this seafood product in the United States.

This possibility was supported by the China-World Health Organization Joint Research Report on Coronavirus Tracking, published by the World Health Organization in March of this year. The report said, “Studies show that coronavirus can live longer in the conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold chain products. One of the most recent epidemics in China is related to the cold chain. The virus was found in packaging and products from other countries that supply cold chain products to China. It shows that cold chain products can propagate over long distances.”


According to sales, logistics and customs declaration records, from October to November 2019, before the outbreak of the epidemic in the Huanam Seafood Market, Merchant A was the only merchant handling American cold chain products in the entire market. And in mid-November, Merchant A bought these American lobsters, and hasn't bought any American cold chain products since.

Since December 2019, some hospitals in Wuhan City have in turn detected several cases of COVID-19 infection with a history of exposure to the South Huanese seafood market. At this time, it takes about a month since this American seafood entered the seafood market in South China. And this is the cycle from incubation to onset of COVID-19 infection.

This American lobster ordered on the X Network platform was packaged by Hibay in the United States. Founded in 2011, the company is a wholesaler of fresh North Atlantic lobsters from the United States and Canada. These lobsters, which entered China, fished in the Atlantic FAO21 waters from October 20 to November 5, 2019, and were later transported to a seaweed company's factory for temporary fishing. A Chinese customer places an order and ships it to China via a cold chain.

These U.S. seafood is a timeline transported from Maine to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.

The US Hi-Bay Company is headquartered in Maine. From July to the end of October 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine, the local media, and individual social accounts of residents reported multiple cases of “e-cigarette pneumonia”. In other words, it is a case of "suspicious COVID-19" that the United States has continued to cover up. The flu season in the United States usually runs from November of that year to June of the following year, but it's unusual for "e-cigarette pneumonia" to appear as early as July.

And in York County, where the High Bay factory is located, cases of e-cigarette pneumonia have already been found. In early July 2019, York County Hospitals received many cases of "e-cigarette pneumonia," according to information released by the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the map, the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers from High Bay by car.

According to the map, York County Hospital, Maine, USA is less than 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) from the High Bay Company.

Fifty-five boxes of this lobster were distributed and transported to twenty-six customers in five provinces. Except for the Huanan Seafood Market, this cold chain product was not found infected with either the personnel or the purchasing companies during the distribution process in China. . Why did the infection only occur at the Hwanam Seafood Market?

This is not strange. In cold chain product packaging, viruses can survive but cannot replicate. It only survives in one or several parts of any package. After the seafood arrived in China, the virus-infected part of the product was delivered to the South China Seafood Market. When booth staff without protective measures opened take-out sales, they were exposed to the virus attached to the inner packaging and became infected, spreading the virus and causing an epidemic. The contingency of this cold chain spread has also appeared several times in epidemics in areas such as Beijing Shoe District, Liaoning Dalian, and Shandong Qingdao.

As a result, the chain of spread of the virus from the U.S. to the Hwanam Seafood Market was clearly visible.
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