The Cobbler Turned Doctor
移民生活北美论坛 -> English Corner

#1: 作者: 转发时间: 2019-1-16 20:46

A COBBLER unable to make a living by his trade and made desperate

by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was

not known. He sold a drug, pretending that it was an antidote1 to

all poisons, and obtained a great name for himself by long-winded

puffs and advertisements. When the Cobbler happened to fall sick

himself of a serious illness, the Governor of the town determined

to test his skill. For this purpose he called for a cup, and

while filling it with water, pretended to mix poison with the

Cobbler's antidote, commanding him to drink it on the promise of

a reward. The Cobbler, under the fear of death, confessed that

he had no knowledge of medicine, and was only made famous by the

stupid clamors of the crowd. The Governor then called a public

assembly and addressed the citizens: "Of what folly2 have you been

guilty? You have not hesitated to entrust3 your heads to a man,

whom no one could employ to make even the shoes for their feet."一个鞋匠靠行业无法谋生,又因贫困而陷入绝境,开始在一个名不见经传的城镇行医。他出售了一种药物,假装这是一种antidote毒药,并通过长篇大论和广告为自己获得了一个伟大的名字。当皮匠碰巧因为一场大病而生病时,镇长决心检验他的技术。为此他叫来了一个杯子,一边倒满水,一边假装把毒药和解药混在一起,命令他在答应奖励的情况下喝下去。皮匠在死亡的恐惧之下坦言自己对医学一无所知,只是因为观众的愚蠢叫嚣而出名。州长随后召集了一次公开集会,向市民们发表了讲话:“你们在什么方面犯了罪?你们毫不犹豫地向一个没有人可以聘请来为自己的脚制作鞋子的人讨教。"

#2: 作者: 转发时间: 2019-1-16 20:47

There is no known antidote for this poison.这种毒药没有解药。

Chinese physicians used it as an antidote for snake poison.中医师用它来解蛇毒。

#3: 作者: 转发时间: 2019-1-16 20:47

Learn wisdom by the folly of others.从别人的愚蠢行动中学到智慧。

Events proved the folly of such calculations.事情的进展证明了这种估计是愚蠢的。

#4: 作者: 转发时间: 2019-1-16 20:47


I couldn't entrust my children to strangers.我不能把孩子交给陌生人照看。

They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.可以委托他们解决重大国家问题。

移民生活北美论坛 -> English Corner

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