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移民生活北美論壇 -> 加國一家親

#1: 作者: chowder時間: 2012-9-09 07:37

承接此帖,繼續關注smart meter的有關情況


#2: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-09 07:42

2012-8-21 關於智能電表引發火災危險的看法:


Last week Surrey Fire Chief Len Garis and Dr. Joseph Clare, strategic planning analyst for the Surrey Fire Service, released a 7 page report substantiating BC Hydro’s claim that smart meters do not pose a fire hazard. This report was commissioned by BC Hydro. It was written to address a rash of suspicious fires reported all over the province, most recently in Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Comox, Mission, Coquitlam and Sparwood. These fires occurred shortly after smart meters had been installed.

The authors of the report claim statistics from the Provincial Fire Commissioner’s office support their conclusion that there is no fire hazard.

Sharon Noble, Director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, questions the accuracy of this claim.

“The Fire Commissioner’s office is not able to track smart meter caused fires because there is no code for smart meters.” Noble received an email from The Fire Reporting Systems Officer, Emergency Management British Columbia, saying “there is not an applicable fire code to attach to a smart meter related fire.”

In April, the Coalition circulated a study to every fire chief summarizing fires reported all over the US associated with smart meters. Reports in every jurisdiction identified 2 consistent factors contributing to these fires, both of which exist in BC:
1) Meters are being installed by inexperienced, unqualified persons after having received only 10 days of training. Normally only certified electricians work on electrical meters.
2) According to a number of electrical experts, the meters themselves are inherently dangerous. Components of Smart Meters trip Ground Fault Interrupters and Arc Fault Interrupters, creating a fire hazard. Also, typical home wiring (60 Hz) is not constructed or intended to carry high frequency surges that smart meters produce to signal the usage data to Hydro.

The Coalition calls for a moratorium on installations until there is an independent investigation of the smart meters, one done by experts in electrical engineering who have no affiliation with any agency or company that benefit from this program.

#3: 作者: election時間: 2013-1-29 11:55

Statement from Gordon Hogg, Liberal MLA

Here is a message received on January 28, 2013, from Gordon Hogg's office, Liberal MLA and Caucus Chair.

"I hope this will help to clarify the confusion regarding the refusal of a smart meter.

Last Wednesday, Minister Coleman advised Gordon that individual home owners, who had NOT YET had a smart meter installed on their home, would not have to have one. BC Hydro may be contacting those "hold outs" one last time, and if you say "no" and do not consent - that is the end of it. You will not be "forced" into having one or be in fear of it being installed when you are not home.

We are still seeking clarification with respect to strata units and multi family buildings as these present a bigger challenge as some may or may not have been installed in the building or complex.

For those home owners who have had a smart meter installed and have an existing medical condition, we are suggesting that they contact BC Hydro smartmeters@bchydro.com (cc to Honorouable Rich Coleman ) and ask that consideration be given to have their smart meter removed. They may also want to copy their MLA on the request.

I hope this provides you with some clarity. Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any further questions or concerns or if you continue to have BC Hydro or Corix calling you or coming to your door.

#4: 作者: xtfatbird時間: 2013-1-29 13:00


#5: 作者: election時間: 2013-1-31 11:35


隨著省選在即,加上在野新民主黨高分貝施壓,卑詩水電局(BC Hydro)一改先前對於安裝智能電表的強硬立場,已出現軟化態度。省府主管官員也表示,若未得到住戶同意,不會強制執行安裝新電表。


主管該事務的卑省能源廳長高利民(Rich Coleman)也在推特呼應。高利民說,水電局人員將協助向顧客說明智能電表的好處,但與此同時,若沒有得到同意,不會強裝電表。 iask.ca


水電局發言人韋修爾(Cindy Verschoor)日前也曾向維市的殖民時報表示,針對還沒有裝智能電表的用戶,最近派出的電表安裝員將不理會用戶拒裝電表的留言或標語,如果人不在家,就逕行強制安裝。

但是自由黨省議員何定國(Gordon Hogg)上周發布一份聲明,稱沒有人會強制安裝智能電表。這份和水電局立場迥異的聲明,讓外界更加混淆。

卑詩新民主黨能源評論員賀謹(John Horgan)指出,公眾有權要求省營的水電局或省府,對智能電表有一個直接、明白的說法。 移民網,findjiayuan.com






#6: 作者: election時間: 2013-7-13 07:07


省能源廳長貝耐德(Bill Bennett)11日表示,目前全省96%用戶已裝設新型的無線智能電表,這些遵行省府全面更新電表政策的用戶,不應該為另外4%的人,支付重新組裝非智能型電表的額外開銷。目前省府尚未制訂出一套非智能電表的安裝收費標准。

卑省推行全省改裝智能電表計畫,但遇上部分電力用戶強烈反對,有人擔憂無線系統導致隱私外 ,也有人以新科技電表可能散發幅射威脅健康為由,堅拒安裝。





#7: 作者: election時間: 2013-7-19 06:40

Smart-meter opponents can keep old readers

Hydro: B.C. residents who choose to opt out of the conversion OK to do so, but will be subject to new fees

British Columbians opposed to hydro smart meters will be allowed to opt out of the conversion after all, but it will cost them.

Energy Minister Bill Bennett said Thursday that the 60,000 people, or about four per cent of the population, who refused to have the smart meters

installed in their homes because of concerns about possible dangers of high-frequency radio waves can choose to keep their analog readers or have the radio transmitter turned off on their smart meter.

In both, cases there will be monthly fees to read the meters and a onetime installation fee to modify the smart meter to disable the radio frequency.

The fees are subject to review by the B.C. Utilities Commission and haven't been set yet, said ministry spokesman Jake Jacobs.

But a spokeswoman for an antismart meter group called it blackmail.

"It's really coercive," said Una St. Clair of the Citizens for Safe Technology Society. "I will put a smart meter on your home unless you pay

me not to. It's just a ploy to get the remaining smart meters rolled out."

St. Clair, who said she suffers from "electro-sensitivity" that causes her constant headaches and migraines, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, digestive disorders and sleep disturbances, said she's being forced to move to a 40-hectare acreage outside of Metro Vancouver to escape the radio waves from her neighbours' homes.

Bennet t said he made the announcement in response to public concerns about the radio waves, which transmit data to B.C. Hydro computers.

St. Clair said her group is launching a class-action lawsuit against the B.C. government and B.C. Hydro next week.


卑詩省府耗費巨資全面換裝「智能電表」(Smart meter),但部分人士因健康疑慮抗拒。省府18日宣布,不願安裝者可退出該計畫,選擇將智能電表的短波發射功能關閉或保留舊式電表,但每月須支付額外抄表費用。金額由卑詩水電局(BC Hydro)根據實際成本制訂,並交公共事業委員會審查。

卑詩省府兩年來斥資10億元為省內家庭全面換裝「智能電表」,目前約有96%用戶已完成安裝,但約4%用戶強烈反對,他們有的是擔心電表內的無線短波發射系統會導致隱私外 ,也人則認為電表散發的幅射會威脅健康。





省能源廳長貝耐德(Bill Bennett)18日表示,這項折衷方案讓正反雙方取得平衡點,不僅回應那些對智能電表計畫有疑慮者的關注,也確保已安裝智能電表的絕大多數用戶,不會因為有人選擇退出而承擔額外費用。


#8: 作者: election時間: 2013-7-30 09:12

卑詩水電局實施智能電表計畫,引發部分用戶不滿,現已掀起一宗集體訴訟官司。(Global TV)

戴維絲(Nomi Davis)成為智能電表惹風波之後,第一位掀起集體訴訟官司的提告人。據她指稱,水電局人員未得到她的許可,就擅自於2012年8月到她家安裝智能電表。

反對省府和水電局強裝新型智能電表的「市民支持安全科技協會」(Citizens for Safe Technology Society,CST)和「終止智能電表聯盟」(Coalition to Stop Smart Meters),都支持戴維斯打這場官司。

CST成員沙托(Steve Satow)26日表示,集體訴訟案於25日正式遞呈法院,如果有民眾遭卑詩水電局強裝智能電表,或用戶被威脅切斷電源,都有可能符合加入集體訴訟的行列,為自己爭取公道。

該組織執行主任聖克萊兒(Una St.Clair)指出,集體訴訟要求庭上下令卑詩水電局移除用戶不想安裝的智能電表,以及永久禁制水電局對選擇不裝智能電表的居民強徵額外費用。





#9: 作者: election時間: 2013-9-01 06:51

Smart Meter Class Action Lawsuit Against BC Hydro
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If you have a smart meter and don't want it, if you have an analogue and want to keep it, if you don't want to be charged an extortion fee to keep the meter of your choice, you are eligible to participate in the Smart Meter Class Action Lawsuit. This lawsuit filed against BC Hydro aims to protect the democratic right of each and every person to opt out of the smart meter/smart grid program without any additional fees or charges. In fact, as BC Hydro is including the cost of the smart grid program in their billings, their attempts to charge a fee for people who refuse to participate amounts to double billing, and should be rectified by the issuance of a BC Hydro rebate cheque which returns to the resident the savings realized by refusing the smart meter.

Download the Class Action form, fill it in, then send by regular mail to the address at the bottom of the form along with your donation to cover legal fees. We have already been winning opt out choices for people most notably from our legal intervention and expert testimony at the Fortis Smart Grid Hearing. Let's continue our winning streak and all join together insisting on democratic choice for each and every person, free of any charges for that right.

#10: 作者: election時間: 2013-10-14 08:27

卑詩水電局(BC Hydro)的內部文件顯示,由於實施新計畫用戶可以選擇拒絕安裝智能電表,水電局的成本大增,在計畫實施的第一年將會最少增加700多萬元開支。







不過反對智能電表計畫的組織 StopSmartMeters.ca的負責人史密斯(Jim Smith)聲言,即使公用事業委員會通過收取費用,但相信會有數千個反對智能電表的家庭不會繳費。


移民生活北美論壇 -> 加國一家親

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