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移民生活北美論壇 -> 吃吃喝喝

#1: 作者: Lillianlu時間: 2019-10-09 22:29



老豆腐 1盒(680克)
蔥 50克
大蔥 15克
油 30ml+15ml
蠔油 1小勺
生抽 5ml
水 60ml
老抽 3ml
鹽 1克
糖 3克
雞粉 1克
澱粉芡 1小勺澱粉+30ml 水


1. 豆腐攔腰切成兩半,再切成1.5cm寬的片;大蔥切末;蔥切成大概1寸長的段
2. 熱鍋,加油30ml,放入豆腐中小火煎至一面金黃,大概5 分鍾,翻面再煎至另一面金黃後出鍋。煎的過程中要不時的晃動炒鍋使豆腐受熱均勻。豆腐翻面時小心被弄碎影響美觀
3. 煎好的豆腐出鍋後保留鍋中的油,再加油15ml。中小火炒香大蔥末,加蠔油5ml,生抽5ml,水60ml,煮沸後加老抽3ml,鹽1克,糖3克,雞粉1克
4. 倒入煎好的豆腐中大火煮大概2分鍾,放入蔥段翻炒大概30秒,然後加入水澱粉勾芡,炒拌均勻後出鍋裝盤

Ingredients :

Tofu (Northern style Tofu) 1 box (680g)
scallion 50g
Scallion’s white stem 15g
Oil 2 tablespoon +1 tablespoon
Oyster soy sauce 1 teaspoon
Light soy sauce 1teaspoon
Water 60ml
Dark soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Chicken powder 1/4 teaspoon
Cornstarch slurry corn starch 1 teaspoon+water 2 tablespoon

1. Cut Tofu in half horizontally, then cut into pieces in 1.5cm width; mince the scallion’s white stem and cut the scallions to 1.5 inch long
2. Heat the pan and add 30ml oil, brown one side of the Tofu pieces over medium-low heat (it takes about 5mins),then flip over all the Tofu pieces and brown them-during this process, move the pan in a circular motion, so does the Tofu in the pan to brown the Tofu evenly (ignore it, if it’s hard to do so). When flip over the tofu pieces, try not to break them ( for a nice presentation)
3. Take the browned Tofu out of the pan, keep the remaining oil and add 15ml more oil, saute the minced scallion over medium-low heat; add oyster soy sauce 1 teaspoon, light soy sauce 1 teaspoon, water 4 tablespoon; bring it to a boil and add dark soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon, salt 1/4 teaspoon, sugar 1/2 teaspoon, chicken powder 1/4 teaspoon
4. Add browned Tofu and cook for 2mins over medium-high heat, add scallion and stir fry for 30s, then add cornstarch slurry, mix well and dish out

#2: 作者: damnff時間: 2019-10-09 23:28


#3: 作者: Lillianlu時間: 2019-10-10 06:01

damnff 寫道:

真的好吃,我連著做了兩次 icon_biggrin.gif

#4: 作者: damnff時間: 2019-10-10 14:09

Lillianlu 寫道:
真的好吃,我連著做了兩次 icon_biggrin.gif


#5: 作者: 被禁止的用戶時間: 2019-10-10 19:51

此貼被 紫洛粼 加為精華

#6: 作者: wongch時間: 2019-10-10 20:01


#7: 作者: Lillianlu時間: 2019-10-10 21:39

damnff 寫道:
Lillianlu 寫道:
真的好吃,我連著做了兩次 icon_biggrin.gif


對, 可以試一下 icon_biggrin.gif

#8: 作者: Lillianlu時間: 2019-10-10 21:40

此貼被 紫洛粼 加為精華

謝謝 icon_biggrin.gif

#9: 作者: Lillianlu時間: 2019-10-10 21:41

wongch 寫道:

是的,可以的 icon_biggrin.gif

#10: 作者: 靈猴時間: 2019-10-11 17:19


移民生活北美論壇 -> 吃吃喝喝

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