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About School學校簡介

102-8140 Cook Road
Richmond BC, Canada
V6Y 1V1

Windsor Education Academy was established in 2008. It is located in the centre of Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Since the school was first established, Windsor Education Academy has provided students with first-year and pre-university courses, high school subject areas, and IELTS, TOEFL, LPI, SAT, SSAT test preparation,Mandarin , Chinese Calligraphy,Drawing. Windsor Learning Centre has also been specialized and teaching students in the IB, AP, and ESL Education Programs. Regular English is a specialized subject within this academy. All the students’ have progressed successfully through proven results provided by Windsor Learning Centre throughout these past seven years. Now,we also provide Chinese course and after- school programs.

All the teachers within Windsor Education Academy have a highly experienced and educational background with either a Master’s degree or Doctoral degree, which were acquired from either America or Canada. All our educators have a minimum of 10 years teaching experience, and some of them have been teaching here since the opening of the academy. All the teachers’ whole-hearted respect, responsibility, and professional education have contributed to the school’s prosperity and success.

It is both you and Windsor Learning Centre ’s final goal to help all students to study abroad in order to fulfill the academic success of their future.

加拿大哥倫比亞省蘊莎教育學院(中心)成立於2008年,學校位於大溫哥華的列治文市中心(Richmomd Centre 路東)。本學院以英語教學為主,兼顧中文、數學、美術及放學後課後輔導。各科均為經驗豐富實力較強的專科老師教學,教學認真細致,效果顯著。 自創立之日起我們秉承愛心及專業教學的辦學宗旨為學生提供大學一年級預修課程,中學各科強化課程及英文專修提高課程。隨著師資力量的不斷強大,我們又增開了中小學課後輔導班和中文學習班。七年來學生們的進步過程見證了蘊莎教育中心的成長過程。

本校聘請的教師均有專業教師執照,並擁有美國,加拿大教育碩士,博士學歷,十年以上 教學經驗。教師們集專業和愛心為一體傾情於教育事業是我校成功的根本。


Our School Objective:

Our mandate is to help our students to apply for American and Canadian universities & private schools with confidence.
We provide interview practice and the revision of essays or personal statements when necessary in order to support our students.


Programs provided by Windsor Learning Centre 蘊莎教育學院課程

(一)University Preparation Programs大學預科課程

First-Year University Preparation Programs
  • Bachelor of Arts University Preparation Program
    • Courses:
    • Canadian History to 1897
    • Canadian History 1897 to Present
    • English Literature and University Writing
    • 授課內容:1897年前及至今的加拿大歷史,英國文學,大學英文寫作.
  • Bachelor of Science University Preparation Program
    • Courses:
    • Physics & Calculus I
    • Chemistry I
    • Mathematics I
    • 授課內容:物理,微積分1,化學,數學1
  • Bachelor of Commerce/ Business Administration University Preparation
    • Courses:
    • Canadian Business
    • Business Marketing
    • Business Presenting and Communications
    • 授課內容:加拿大商業,市場策劃,及商業體系

(二)ESL Transitions Programs/ESL高中英語過渡課程
  • ESL: Levels 1-5 & Transition Programs

  • Courses: Listening & Speaking, Reading & Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary & Spelling
  • Level 1:
  • Students can acquire basic vocabulary, make simple sentences, and grasp basic grammar
  • The goal of this level is to help students understand the basic concepts of the educational settings and use basic vocabulary for daily life.
  • 1.1級教學內容:基本詞匯,簡單造句,初級語法.目標:學生可以聽懂部分課堂上內容 及生活所需最基本英語詞匯。
  • Level 2:
  • Students are trained to have a partial command of the English language with a general understanding in familiar everyday situations with a wider range of vocabulary and the different tenses of verbs.
  • The goal of this level is to help students understand general concepts of the educational settings and start to communicate with teachers.
  • 2.2級教學內容: 擴大詞匯,簡單造句,動詞時態變化.
  • 目標:學生可以聽懂大部分課堂內容,開始與教師交流.
  • Level 3:
  • Students are trained to have a general command of the English language with a wider range of vocabulary. They are able to start to write short stories with intermediate grammar.
  • The goal of this level is to help students understand the general concepts of the educational settings and finish doing exercises independently.
  • 3. 3級教學內容:擴大詞匯,短文寫作,中級語法.
  • 目標:明白教師授課的部分內容並可以完成基本的課堂習作.
  • Level 4:
  • Students are trained to start chapter reading. They are able to use a wider and more appropriate vocabulary and stronger grammar skills for their writing. Their ability makes it possible for them to select English courses for grade 11 with more confidence.
  • The goal of this level is to help students have a generally effective command of the English language and understand the academic vocabulary in educational settings. This is so that they can utilize English grammar and finish their homework independently with a stronger confidence level.
  • 4. 4級教學內容:英文精讀,擴大詞匯,寫作提高,語法精講,選修中學11年級英文課程.
  • 目標:學生基本完全明白學業上的語言,可以較正確的運用動詞的時態,獨立完成家庭作業.
  • Level 5:
  • Students are trained to start reading chapter books and literature. They are able to use a fairly more complex language skill, and in particular utilize it in familiar situations. Their vocabulary and grammar has reached an advanced level. Their ability makes it possible for them to select English courses for grade 12 with more confidence.
  • The goal of this level is to help students have an operational command of the English language, so that they can actively involve themselves in group discussion and communicate with local people confidently. In their writing, there are few grammatical mistakes.
  • 5.5級教學內容:英文精讀,詞匯應用,寫作提高,選修中學12年級英文課程.
  • 目標:學生參加小組課題討論,英語交流接近當地人水平,文章中基本沒有語法錯誤.

(三)Preparation Regular English Programs/大學英語過渡課程
  • Preparation for Regular English Programs
  • Level 1:Beginning class雅思/托福初級班:
  • In level 1, students are trained to have basic understanding about IELTS/TOEFL in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • The goal of this level is to prepare students with basic knowledge and understanding about listening, reading, speaking, and writing and related rules about IELTS/TOEFL. In this level, students are trained to build up basic grammar and familiarize themselves with core vocabulary, basic writing skills, and different listening settings that students will meet in IELTS/TOEFL test.
  • 一級課程:
  • 授課內容 聽,說,讀,寫基礎課程
  • 目標:幫助學生逐步熟悉雅思的聽,說,讀,寫四項內容和考試規則,掌握基本語法,熟 悉核心詞匯,掌握寫作基本要領,逐步熟悉聽力不同的場景內容。
  • Level 2:Intermediate class雅思/托福中級班:
  • In level 2, students are trained to have higher level of knowledge about IELTS/TOEFL in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • The goal of this level is to help students have generally effective command of the language including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In speaking, students have a better understanding about the importance of fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. In their writing, students can address the requirements of the task and present an overview with information appropriately selected. In coherence and cohesion, students can arrange information and ideas in a coherent way, and there is a clear overall progression. In lexical resource, students can use an adequate range of vocabulary for the task. In grammatical range and accuracy, students can use a mix of simple and complex sentence forms.
  • 二級課程:
  • 授課內容 聽,說,讀,寫提高課程
  • 目標:達到聽,說,讀無障礙,自由使用高級語法和句子結構,提高核心詞匯應用水平.
  • Level 3:Advanced class 雅思/托福高級班:
  • In level 3, students are trained to have advanced level of knowledge about IELTS/TOEFL in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • The goal of this level is to help students to have operational command of the language including listening, speaking, reading, and writing and generally handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning. In terms of IELTS speaking band descriptors, students will be able to speak at length without noticeable effort, or loss of coherence. They will be able to use a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility. In lexical resources, students can use vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics, and use some less common and idiomatic vocabulary, and paraphrase effectively. In grammatical range and accuracy, they can use a range of complex structures with some flexibility. In writing, students can cover the requirements of the task, and present a clear overview of main trends, differences, or stages. In coherence and cohesion, students can logically organize information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout. In grammatical range and accuracy, students can use a variety of complex structures, and produce frequent error-free sentences with good control of grammar and punctuation, but may make a few errors. After this level’s training, students are qualified to go to university to further their study in language situations.
  • 三級課程:
  • 授課內容聽,說,讀,寫高級課程
  • 目標:聽,說,讀,寫的能力達到大學錄取標准.

(四)IELTS and TOEFL Information /雅思和托福課程IELTS/TOEFL

University English Examination
  • All IELTS marking takes place at the test centre by trained markers and examiners. Markers are trained to understand the IELTS marking policy and are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard before they are allowed to mark Listening and Reading papers. Markers are re-tested every two years to ensure that their marking remains up to standard. Systematic monitoring and double marking of a proportion of answer sheets is carried out at each administration.
    Examiners for the Writing and Speaking modules are recruited and trained in line with agreed standards. They are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard every two years in addition to on-going monitoring of their performance. Candidates receive scores on a Band Scale from 1 to 9. A score is reported for each skill module of the test. The four individual module scores are averaged and rounded to produce an Overall Band Score. Overall Band Scores and Listening and Reading scores are presented as whole or half bands; Writing and Speaking band scores are reported in whole bands only.
  • 考官按四項標准分別評等級分:語言的流利度和連貫性,詞匯變換,句式豐富性和語法准確性, 發音。這四方面是同等重要的
  • 雅思考試的所有閱卷工作由經過訓練的評分人員和考官在考試中心進行。
  • 評分人員受過專門訓練,了解雅思評分相關政策,而且切實做到按照評分標准給聽力和閱讀考 卷評分。每隔一年對評分人員進行測評,以確保評分符合標准。在每個考試中心,會進行系統 化的監測,並對一定比例的答題紙實施雙重閱卷。
  • 對於雅思寫作和口語考官的招聘和培訓按照既定標准進行。除了會持續監測考官的表現之外, 還會每隔一年測評考官,以確保按照標准評分。
  • 考生收到成績單時,即可以收到總分,又可以收到單科成績。總分是四個單科成績的平均分。
  • 1IELTS is a multi-level exam. You get a score between 1 and 9 for each section. Half scores
    such as 6.5 are possible. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also demand a minimum score in each of the 4 sections.
  • 雅思考試是聽,說,讀,寫綜合測試考試。考生得分范圍在 1 到 9 分。成績有半 分制像 6.5 分。大 學對雅思的成績最低要求在 6 分到 7 分。聽,說,讀,寫單科 成績不同大學有不同要求.雅思考試是聽,說,讀,寫綜合測試考試。考生得分范 圍在 1 到 9 分。成績有半分制像 6.5 分。大學對雅思的成績最低要求在 6 分到 7 分。聽,說,讀,寫單科成績不同大學有不同要求
  • 2. For the listening test, which contains 40 questions, the approximate band scores can be calculated using this table.

    聽力成績滿分是 9 分,共有 40 道題。以下是成績評分標准。聽力成績滿分是9分, 共有40道題。以下是成績評分標准.
  • 3. For the general reading test, which contains 40 questions, the approximate band scores can be calculated using this table.

    雅思閱讀有兩類,一類是普通閱讀,考生主要是移民人群。普通閱讀共有 40 題, 以下是評分標准。
  • 4. For the academic reading test, which also contains 40 questions, but is more difficult, the approximate band scores can be calculated using this table.

    雅思閱讀另一類是學術閱讀,考生主要是留學生人群。學術閱讀共有 40 題,以下 是評分標准。 雅思閱讀另一類是學術閱讀,考生主要是留學生人群。學術閱讀共 有 40 題,以下是評分標准
  • 5. 雅思寫作評分標准

    The two writing questions are marked out of 9 according to the following criteria:


    ◻ Task Achievement

    任務完成方面: 達到寫作任務各項要求,能確切選擇有用信息進行全面評述。
  • ◻ Coherence and Cohesion

    段落連貫和銜接方面: 信息和分論點安排連貫,論證過程清楚,有效使用銜接手 段。
  • ◻ Lexical Resource

    詞匯量方面:恰當有效的應用詞匯,短語,成語和慣用語,通過語言的多樣性來體 現嫻熟的駕

  • ◻ Grammatical Range and Accuracy:句式多樣性和語法准確性
  • 6. IELTS Speaking marking schemes


    The speaking test is also marked out of 9 according to the following criteria:


    ◻ Fluency and coherence 語言表達的流利性和連貫性

    ◻ Lexical resource 詞匯多樣性和豐富性

    ◻ Grammatical range and accuracy 語法使用范圍和准確性

    ◻ Pronunciation 發音
 (五)SSAT and SAT Programs/私立學校入學考試課程,大學入學考試課程
  • SSAT Preparation for Examination Programs
  • Courses:
    Reading, Analogies & Vocabulary study
    SSAT practice examinations and review
    ESL transition for preparation into SSAT Program
    Assistance for parent interviews
    Private school procedure & admissions assistance

    本課程專為准備就讀於私立中學的學生而設,課程包括:閱讀理解,類比分析,詞匯擴展, SSAT練習測試,SSAT面試輔導
  • SAT: American University Entrance Examination Program for America.
  • SAT課程是為准備就讀美國大學而設置的入學考試課程
  • Preparation is for: History, Social Studies, Math, Sciences, & English.
  • 課程包括:歷史,社會學,數學,科學,英文.
(六)IB and AP Programs /大學課程輔導
  • IB Preparation & Support Program (International Baccalaureate Diploma
  • Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math。
  • 科學:物理,化學,生物,數學。
  • Arts: History,English & French
  • 文科:歷史,英文,法文
  • Social Studies: Building citizenship, historical understanding and cultural
  • 社會學:公民意識課程,歷史,文化意識課程.
  • AP: Preparation & Support Program (Advanced Placement Program:
  • Sciences: Physics, Chemistry Math & Biology
  • 科學類:物理,化學,數學,生物學.
  • Arts: History, English & French
  • 文科:歷史,英文,法文
  • Social Studies: Building citizenship, Historical understanding and cultural
  • 社會學:公民意識課程,歷史,文化意識課程.

(七)LPI Language Proficiency Exam Program /寫作考試課程
  • LPI College/University English Entrance Examination:
  • Preparation for the English Placement of specified student level of English courses
    in the college or university they will be enrolled in.
  • 此課程是學院和大學為學生進行的英文水平測試而設立的英文考試:

Goals for Essay Examination:






上課時間:周六下午2:00-4:00點 或周日下午2:00-4:00點。







城市: 列治文 / Richmond
地區: 大溫哥華 / Metro Vancouver
省份: 不列顛哥倫比亞省 / British Columbia
國家: 加拿大 / Canada


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