素里 高薪诚聘高中Science 10/11/12 老师 | 北美中文黄页

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素里 高薪诚聘高中Science 10/11/12 老师

• Job Title: Science 10/11/12 Teacher – Mingde College, Surrey Location

Mingde College is hiring Science 10/11/12 teachers at Surrey location. Mingde College is dedicated to providing excellent English and cultural training programs for students all over the world. Classes are designed to be conversational, dynamic and highly interactive while academically oriented. Our teachers are highly qualified and professionally trained to ensure an optimum environment for quick and successful learning outcomes. We regard each of our students as our most valued asset, and we endeavor to provide top English training programs to ensure the future academic success of each of our students.

• Requirements:

- Be familiar with BC curriculum
- Educational background: at least completion of university bachelor degree / Master degree is a bonus
- Experience and professional training as a teacher is necessary
- Teaching certificate is an asset
- Energetic, confident, dedicated, and inspiring
- Highly responsible and approachable with students, proactive awareness of students’ demands and ability to provide advises accordingly
If you are one of these experienced and dedicated educators as described above, please submit a resume with relevant references and your availability to emced.surrey@gmail.com. We look forward to being inspired by your educational mindset.

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  • 联系信息

    发布者: emced
    电话: (604) 444-4444


    城市: 素里



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