死神來了現實版:躲過多倫多槍擊 卻在丹佛喪命 


死神來了現實版,美國電影院槍擊案受害者-年輕的體育解說員Jessica Ghawi,就在上個月剛剛躲過了多倫多購物中心槍擊案,今天不幸在影院蝙蝠俠首映槍擊案中被害。

An aspiring sportscaster who cheated death at a Toronto shopping mall shooting last month is one of the 12 dead in the Colorado movie massacre.

Jessica Ghawi was watching “The Dark Knight Rises” with a long-time friend when a gunman opened fire minutes into the midnight premiere.

She was shot twice, once in the head, her family said.

The young woman was attending the movie with a pal she had convinced to accompany her, Twitter posts show.

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  1. Sadly, the girl was very pretty. Such a waste... yc_86.gif

    adyss | 2012-07-21 00:46:15 | 引用

  2. 人命由天,還真不能不信。

    skc699 | 2012-07-21 00:47:57 | 引用

  3. adyss 寫道:
    死神來了現實版,美國電影院槍擊案受害者-年輕的體育解說員Jessica Ghawi,就在上個月剛剛躲過了多倫多購物中心槍擊案,今天不幸在影院蝙蝠俠首映槍擊案中被害。

    An aspiring sportscaster who cheated death at a Toronto shopping mall shooting last month is one of the 12 dead in the Colorado movie massacre.

    Jessica Ghawi was watching “The Dark Knight Rises” with a long-time friend when a gunman opened fire minutes into the midnight premiere.

    She was shot twice, once in the head, her family said.

    The young woman was attending the movie with a pal she had convinced to accompany her, Twitter posts show.


    dingjerry | 2012-07-21 01:21:56 | 引用

  4. 大難不死,必有後福這句話也並不總是應驗的。

    auitest1 | 2012-07-21 07:53:45 | 引用
