加西地产经纪朋友请注意RBCRealtorAppreciationApr/5/2017 3-5pm Metrotown 


  2017-03-30 14:23:14
RBC Realtor Appreciation Apr/5/2017 3-5pm Wed Metrotown Concord Pacific Show Room (next to Sears)

皇家银行(RBC)2017年4月5日 星期三3-5pm在Metrotown Concord Pacifi c售楼处(Sears隔壁)举办房地产经纪人答谢活动 。出席的有:

•Concord Pacific高级副总裁Grant Murray将讲述有关Brentwood的发展趋势,并且为参加我们这次活动的房地产经纪人提供他们下一个Concord项目的 “VIP access”

•城市发展研究所所长安妮·麦克马林(Anne McMullin)将介绍讨论有关在LowerMainland建多户住宅建筑的热潮计划

•RBC皇家银行全球资产管理区域经理Stephen Reid讲述对关于未来经济发展的预测。

•Concord Pacific的销售团队将在康科德销售中心接待大家


Date: Wednesday,April 5, 2017
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Concord Pacific
Burnaby Presentation Center
4750 Kingsway Burnaby (Next to Sears)

RSVP: Please email: Penny Li
Subject Line: Please Write:
Realtor Appreciation | Src: www.westca.com |

点击: 0 | 评论: 6 | 分类: 缺省 | 论坛: 买房卖房 | 论坛帖子
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  1. RBCJASONWANG 说道: 无题

    2017-03-30 14:25:05

    • The Sr. VP of Sales for Concord Pacific, Grant Murray, will preview theupcoming new development at Brentwood. Realtors attending our event willbe provided ‘VIP access’ to partner with Concord on their next project.

    • Anne McMullin, President for the Urban Development Institute, will bepresenting on the construction boom in multi-family housing, in the LowerMainland. The Urban Development Institute is a non-profitassociation of the development industry and its related professions

    • Stephen Reid, Regional Manager with RBC Global Asset Management will be provingan economic forecast.

    • The sales team at Concord Pacific will be on standby for guided tours of the modelsuites at Concord’s sales center.
  2. RBCJASONWANG 说道: 无题

    2017-03-30 22:21:05

  3. 老马识途 说道: 无题

    2017-03-30 22:33:14

  4. RBCJASONWANG 说道: 无题

    2017-03-30 23:48:43

    老马识途 写道:

  5. RBCJASONWANG 说道: 无题

    2017-03-31 09:37:30

    we welcome all realtors.

    Please email me.
  6. RBCJASONWANG 说道: 无题

    2017-03-31 15:47:35

    up up
