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Whispering Hope

艾am板豬 發表於 - 2021-04-02 04:57:02

Whispering Hope 微聲盼望
曲 / 詞 : Septimus Winner 1868 筆名 Alice Hawthorne ( 1827 - 1902 )
曲 改編 : Arr. J. C. Blaker
詞 改編 : Arr. Stewart Landon
Sung by Jo Stafford and Gordon MacRae Duet 1949
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獻唱歌詞 :
Soft as the voice of an angel
( 天使溫柔的聲音 )
Breathing a lesson unheard
( 如聽不到的呼吸聲 )
Hope with a gentle persuasion
( 希望仁慈的勸說 )
Whispers her comforting word
( 微聲細語的安慰 )
Wait till the darkness is over
( 等待著黑暗過去 )
Wait till the tempest is done
( 等待暴風雨平靜 )
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow
( 冀明天艷陽高照 )
After the shower is gone
( 即雨過天晴之時 )

If in the dusk of the twilight
( 夕陽西下 點綴黃昏 )
Dim be the region afar
( 晚霞天色 無邊無際 )
Will not the deepening darkness
( 暮色蒼茫 鋪蓋大地 )
Brighten the glimmering star
( 落霞殘照 明亮寒星 )
Then when the night is upon us
( 夜幕低垂 籠罩大地 )
Why should the heart sink away?
( 為何你的心情沉重 ? )
When the dark midnight is over
( 當黑夜快將過去 )
Watch for the breaking of day
( 黎明即現在眼前 )

Refrain 副歌 :
Whispering hope oh, how welcome thy voice
( 微聲盼望,我喜聽主慈愛聲 )
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice
( 使我心靈痛苦中得安寧 )

2021-04-02 04:58:49 | 引用

