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  Man arrested after 1,000 guns found at Los Angeles home is charged.

  If convicted as charged, Girard Damian Saenz, faces a maximum sentence of more than 40 years in prison, prosecutors said.https://t.co/1XI4Ofayp6 pic.twitter.com/O0s0i8TiV6 — News4You (@News4You9) July 16, 2019

  @Gidi_Traffic A Los Angeles man found with more than 1,000 guns in his Bel-Air home in May was charged with 64 felony counts

  Girard Damian Saenz, 58, is charged with 23 counts of possession of an assault weapon, 17 counts of transfer of handgun with no licensed firearms dealer pic.twitter.com/rzqAip4VQw — AustynZOGS (@Austynzogs) July 16, 2019

  1,000 GUNS: If convicted as charged, Girard Damian Saenz faces a maximum sentence of more than 40 years in prison, prosecutors said.https://t.co/qXNDy0lKGn — WRCB-TV (@WRCB) July 16, 2019


  美国豪宅搜出超过1000把枪 场面如军火库震惊警察

  美国烟酒枪炮及爆炸物管理局在进行搜捕行动之前,曾收到关于非法枪支交易的相关举报。警方随即突袭一所贝沙湾区(Bel-Air)的住宅,贝沙湾是洛杉矶市郊的知名高级住宅区,住有许多好莱坞名人,而这所豪宅就位于知名的花花公子豪宅(Playboy Mansion)附近。

  警方搜查发现,这套豪宅藏有超过1000把枪枝,房屋主人萨恩斯(Girard Damian Saenz)目前遭控64项重罪,如果全部成立,最重恐面临48年零8个月徒刑。


  不过警方公布的画面可见,成堆的步枪、手枪和猎枪散落在豪宅车道上,数量庞大,画面犹如军火库。警官拉米雷斯(Chris Ramirez)当时说,“在我从警31年生涯中,从来没见过这么多武器”。
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