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[特朗普] 特朗普大廈開發商駁斥CNN不實報道

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The Holborn Group 鴻博地產集團

  1. 美國聯邦調查局或其他官方機構未就CNN媒體報道中提及的事項與鴻博地產集團及Joo Kim Tiah聯系。

  1. 鴻博地產集團及Joo Kim Tiah與特朗普集團的業務關系僅限於鴻博地產集團和達全球有限公司 (TA Global Berhad) 聯合開發的溫哥華特朗普國際酒店大廈項目的品牌許可及酒店管理。

  1. 特朗普集團與鴻博地產集團以及達全球有限公司(TA Global Berhad) 針對溫哥華特朗普國際酒店大廈的品牌許可及酒店管理協議(下稱“特朗普協議”)於2013年3月簽署,遠早於特朗普總統宣布參加2016年美國大選。

  1. 鴻博地產集團及Joo Kim Tiah從未與Jared Kushner有過任何聯系或業務往來。

  1. 小唐納德∙特朗普和伊萬卡∙特朗普代表特朗普集團依據特朗普協議與Joo Kim Tiah以及鴻博地產集團和達全球有限公司(TA Global Berhad) 的其他代表進行業務往來。

  1. 伊萬卡∙特朗普具體參與的內容是室內設計,其室內設計也只為溫哥華特朗普國際酒店大廈的開發所用。

  1. 溫哥華特朗普國際酒店大廈的項目資金完全來自鴻博地產集團以及達全球有限公司(TA Global Berhad)。

如有任何疑問,請聯系鴻博地產集團法律顧問Jasmin Zeng,郵箱info@holborn.ca。

相關閱讀: 溫市川普大廈被查 伊萬卡攤上事?

Please see our statement below regarding the recent media coverage on Ivanka Trump, the FBI, and the Trump International Hotel and Tower, Vancouver.

  1. Holborn Group and Joo Kim Tiah have not been contacted by FBI or any authorities with regards to matters raised in the CNN media report.
  2. Holborn Group’s and Joo Kim Tiah’s business relationship with the Trump Organization extends only to a brand licencing and hotel management for the development of Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver, which was jointly developed by Holborn Group and TA Global Berhad.
  3. The brand licencing and hotel management agreements between Trump Organization, Holborn Group and TA Global Berhad for Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver were entered into in March 2013 (the “Trump Agreements”), prior to President Trump’s announcement to run in the 2016 U.S. Election.
  4. Neither Holborn Group nor Joo Kim Tiah have any interaction or business dealings with Jared Kushner whatsoever.
  5. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump represented the Trump Organization in the business dealings with Joo Kim Tiah and other representatives of Holborn Group and TA Global Berhad pursuant to the Trump Agreements.
  6. Ivanka Trump’s involvement was specifically on interior design and Ivanka Trump's interior design was utilised towards the development of the Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver.
  7. The entire development of the Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver was funded by Holborn Group and TA Global Berhad.

For any inquiries, please contact Jasmin Zeng, Legal Counsel of Holborn Group at info@holborn.ca.
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