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[大温地产局] 前大温地产局主席跳槽新海岸地产

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BC省列治文201656日)新海岸地产日前宣布,聘请赛提卡斯(Rosario Setticasi)出任公司首席合规监管长及管理经纪人。


赛提卡斯先生拥有34年大温低陆平原地产行业的工作经验。其职业生涯始于1982年在Block Brothers地产公司的销售工作,在过去的31年里一直是Sutton West Coast Realty的注册经纪。赛提卡斯先生的职业生涯亮点包括:曾任大温地产局主席、BC省房地产协会理事。


“我期待在全职的基础上与新海岸地产的团队一同开展工作,我不觉得我只是一个监管人员,我也希望藉此机会推动新海岸成为卑诗省内具有最高行业标准的地产公司。” Setticasi说。





New Coast Realty brings on

Rosario Setticasi as Chief Compliance Officer

Richmond, B.C. – (May 6, 2016) – New Coast Realty is proud to announce that Rosario Setticasi has been brought on as Chief Compliance Officer and Managing Broker. The role of Chief Compliance Officer was created as a voluntary measure to further protect consumers. Mr. Setticasi will provide an added layer of oversight and transparency to their business operations.

Mr. Setticasi has 34 years of real estate experience working in the Lower Mainland. He started in sales with Block Brothers in 1982 and has been a licensed agent with Sutton West Coast Realty for the past 31 years. Career highlights include terms as President of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver and Director of the British Columbia Real Estate Association.

Mr. Setticasi is a Facilitator of Ethical Leadership in Real Estate. In 2008 he was selected as one of 18 realtors to participate in the pioneer training program on advanced ethical leadership. Graduates of the program were trained to lead and guide discussions on ethics at office meetings, workshops and during one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions.

“I look forward to working on a full time basis with the team at New Coast Realty. I don’t consider myself just a watchdog, I also look at this as an opportunity to elevate New Coast Realty into becoming the real estate company with the highest standards in B.C.,” says Rosario Setticasi.

There were allegations of wrongdoing detailed in some media reports. New Coast Realty and its agents have denied the allegations. The company is cooperating with investigations by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia.

Mr. Setticasi’s appointment as a managing broker has been approved by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia.
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    评论6 游客 [怒.于.东.初] 2016-05-09 20:44
    评论5 damnff 2016-05-09 17:56
    看来有钱好办事啊 先花钱买人事关係,度过被查的危机
    评论4 游客 [饲.甲.两.讽] 2016-05-09 17:30
    国人的破烂手段 而已
    评论3 游客 [饲.甲.两.讽] 2016-05-09 17:29
    SBy 这是那个臭名昭著的公司公关手段 企图挽 回 影响 一旦风头过了,那个被聘的SB肯定被踢掉了。
    评论2 icecream 2016-05-08 18:40
    地产局前主席跳槽,为新海岸保驾护航,看来平安无事啰 big_face.gif
    评论1 男人你懂的 2016-05-08 17:39
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