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移民生活北美論壇 -> 溫哥華不眠夜

#1: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 21:33

7月6日媒體公布了列治文市府去年一次性猛抬高市府職員的薪水支出的消息,其中給有些職員的額外支出額竟然堪比他們的年薪::One-time payouts bump up Richmond city staff salaries

昨天市民上書媒體:列治文市府職員薪水特離譜 !
Letter: City of Richmond salaries are way out of line


#2: 作者: Hstt時間: 2019-7-14 21:44

能怎麼樣呢。。 政客還是繼續給自己加薪。。

#3: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 21:44

列治文市民John Kurian昨天投書列治文新聞媒體說:
As a Richmond taxpayer, I am stunned by these large pay scales and handouts which are way above the private sector scales and even as compared to other government entities.
No wonder our taxes keep going up, despite poor road maintenance and lighting (Cooney and No. 4 roads are full of potholes and shoddy patchwork), poor city lighting across main intersections of Westminster Highway and poor dike maintenance going from Garry Point to Terra Nova.
怪不得俺們的地稅持續增加呢,盡管道路維護和路燈照明破破爛爛(Cooney和4號路充滿坑窪和爛補丁),威斯敏斯特公路主要交叉口的路燈照明昏沉沉的,還有從Garry Point到Terra Nova的堤壩維護也破了吧唧的。。

#4: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-7-14 21:49

AI AI. 人不可信一一一一

#5: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 21:50

As the city pockets millions of dollars with inflated market home values, have they considered a reduction in taxes for the citizens instead of a payout to a few?


#6: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 21:55

These payouts need to be audited to bring these scales in line with other organizations. It’s simply over the top. What are the councillors doing approving these large increases?
需要對這些支出進行審計,以使這種開銷規模與給其他組織部門的保持一致。 這至關重要。那些市議員批准這些大幅增加的開銷到底是個嘛?
It may be time for a change to provide better leadership.
    John Kurian
    列治文市民 約翰庫裡安

#7: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 22:00

Richmond city defends lawn bowling clubhouse costs


#8: 作者: 坤朋時間: 2019-7-14 22:04


#9: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 22:06

Letter: Let’s see ledger for Richmond bowling clubhouse
The citizens of Richmond voted for a mayor and councillors to represent them and run the city in trust, a trust that they will protect the welfare and financial interests of the people.
The mayor and the councillors who voted to build a new lawn bowling facility had their personal reasons in mind when approving this project. From the way it is going, there will be no withdrawal. They are  determined to go ahead, despite protests and displeasure voiced by the populace.

#10: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2019-7-14 22:09

We trust that you all discern faithfully to make a wise decision as to what is of value to the residents of Richmond. After all, it is our money
我們堅信你們應該誠實地認識到要對列治文市民的價值做出明智抉擇。 畢竟這都是我們的錢!
Francoise Tsang

移民生活北美論壇 -> 溫哥華不眠夜

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