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移民生活北美論壇 -> 吃吃喝喝

#1: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 10:47

想來也好久沒有跟同學們交流了。 九月中秋節,十月感恩節,十二月紅酒是派對必備單品啊。。

Red Wine Varieties

Red wines are made from the fermented juice of dark colored grapes. The red and purple colors in the wine are derived not from the green flesh of the grape, but rather the dark pigments found in the skin. Red wines are fermented with the grape skins, allowing for extraction of colors, acids, and tannins.
Wines are generally named after either the variety of grape they are made from (Merlot, Chardonnay, Grenache), or the region where they are made (Bordeaux, Champagne). 


[size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453][/size]Beaujolais can refer to any wine made in a specific region of France. Although some white wines are made in the Province of Beaujolais, the majority is a light bodied red made from the Gamay grape. Beaujolais wines tend to have lower tannin concentrations, giving them a fruitier, fresher flavor.
Pair with: white meat, fish, vegetables

#2: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 10:51

Maplecreek 寫道:
想來也好久沒有跟同學們交流了。 九月中秋節,十月感恩節,十二月紅酒是派對必備單品啊。。

Red Wine Varieties

Red wines are made from the fermented juice of dark colored grapes. The red and purple colors in the wine are derived not from the green flesh of the grape, but rather the dark pigments found in the skin. Red wines are fermented with the grape skins, allowing for extraction of colors, acids, and tannins.
Wines are generally named after either the variety of grape they are made from (Merlot, Chardonnay, Grenache), or the region where they are made (Bordeaux, Champagne). 


[size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453][/size]Beaujolais can refer to any wine made in a specific region of France. Although some white wines are made in the Province of Beaujolais, the majority is a light bodied red made from the Gamay grape. Beaujolais wines tend to have lower tannin concentrations, giving them a fruitier, fresher flavor.
Pair with: white meat, fish, vegetables

西拉(Shiraz)葡萄酒的口感:西拉是澳大利亞最具代表性的紅葡萄品種,在澳洲的炎熱氣候下表現得近乎完美。這裡的西拉葡萄酒香氣濃郁,口感飽滿甜美,帶有濃濃的新鮮黑莓、黑漿果香味,將澳洲的熱情完美地展現出來,於是澳洲西拉葡萄酒在全球風靡一時。澳洲幾乎所有產區都種植了西拉葡萄,其中又以南澳洲的巴羅薩谷(Barossa Valley)所產的西拉葡萄酒最富盛名,那裡氣候炎熱幹燥,所產的葡萄酒口感濃厚,最引入注目是一些珍貴的百年老藤西拉葡萄酒,風格更是獨特,帶有濃郁的泥土和香料風味,並伴有黑色巧克力的甜香,單寧充沛柔順,酒體厚重。澳洲西拉葡萄酒有時為了增加酸度,會與維歐尼(Viognier)葡萄混釀。
赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄酒的口感:赤霞珠屬於晚熟的紅葡萄品種,皮厚粒小籽多,高色素,高酸,高單寧,香氣濃郁,所以它能釀造出顏色深濃,風味濃郁,單寧厚重的紅葡萄酒。這類酒通常有著青椒和黑色漿果(如黑加侖、李子、黑櫻桃、桑果等)的香氣,酒體豐厚結實,酒力強勁,酒香以黑加侖為主,帶有蜜瓜、甘草、煙熏、焦糖、青椒等風味。

#3: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 10:55

Maplecreek 寫道:
Maplecreek 寫道:
想來也好久沒有跟同學們交流了。 九月中秋節,十月感恩節,十二月紅酒是派對必備單品啊。。

Red Wine Varieties

Red wines are made from the fermented juice of dark colored grapes. The red and purple colors in the wine are derived not from the green flesh of the grape, but rather the dark pigments found in the skin. Red wines are fermented with the grape skins, allowing for extraction of colors, acids, and tannins.
Wines are generally named after either the variety of grape they are made from (Merlot, Chardonnay, Grenache), or the region where they are made (Bordeaux, Champagne). 


[size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453] [/size][size=19.200000762939453][/size]Beaujolais can refer to any wine made in a specific region of France. Although some white wines are made in the Province of Beaujolais, the majority is a light bodied red made from the Gamay grape. Beaujolais wines tend to have lower tannin concentrations, giving them a fruitier, fresher flavor.
Pair with: white meat, fish, vegetables

西拉(Shiraz)葡萄酒的口感:西拉是澳大利亞最具代表性的紅葡萄品種,在澳洲的炎熱氣候下表現得近乎完美。這裡的西拉葡萄酒香氣濃郁,口感飽滿甜美,帶有濃濃的新鮮黑莓、黑漿果香味,將澳洲的熱情完美地展現出來,於是澳洲西拉葡萄酒在全球風靡一時。澳洲幾乎所有產區都種植了西拉葡萄,其中又以南澳洲的巴羅薩谷(Barossa Valley)所產的西拉葡萄酒最富盛名,那裡氣候炎熱幹燥,所產的葡萄酒口感濃厚,最引入注目是一些珍貴的百年老藤西拉葡萄酒,風格更是獨特,帶有濃郁的泥土和香料風味,並伴有黑色巧克力的甜香,單寧充沛柔順,酒體厚重。澳洲西拉葡萄酒有時為了增加酸度,會與維歐尼(Viognier)葡萄混釀。
赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄酒的口感:赤霞珠屬於晚熟的紅葡萄品種,皮厚粒小籽多,高色素,高酸,高單寧,香氣濃郁,所以它能釀造出顏色深濃,風味濃郁,單寧厚重的紅葡萄酒。這類酒通常有著青椒和黑色漿果(如黑加侖、李子、黑櫻桃、桑果等)的香氣,酒體豐厚結實,酒力強勁,酒香以黑加侖為主,帶有蜜瓜、甘草、煙熏、焦糖、青椒等風味。

紅酒的種類大約都有:赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)、梅洛(Merlot)、黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)、佳美(Gamay)、西拉(Shiraz)、桑嬌維塞(Sangiovese)、內比奧羅(Nebbiolo)、仙粉黛(Zinfandel)、佳美娜(Carmenere)、丹魄(Tempranillo)、馬爾貝克(Malbec)等。[/size][/color]

#4: 作者: gisall時間: 2018-9-18 11:13


#5: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 11:15

gisall 寫道:

從不酗酒,從沒醉過,能與誰共舞? icon_mrgreen.gif

#6: 作者: gisall時間: 2018-9-18 11:21

Maplecreek 寫道:
從不酗酒,從沒醉過,能與誰共舞? icon_mrgreen.gif


#7: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 11:23

gisall 寫道:


#8: 作者: gisall時間: 2018-9-18 11:27

Maplecreek 寫道:


#9: 作者: Maplecreek時間: 2018-9-18 11:32

gisall 寫道:


#10: 作者: BC測量師時間: 2018-9-18 11:51


移民生活北美論壇 -> 吃吃喝喝

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