ripple effect
移民生活北美论坛 -> English Corner

#1: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:56

Ripple effect, 连锁反应。 "The shutdown of the local mine had ripple effects on the entire community," 当地这家煤矿的关门,在整个社区引起了连锁反应。

美国汽车业界人士警告说,美国汽车工业的各部门息息相关,牵一发而动全身。 "The failure of one of Detroit's Big Three would have a ripple effect that could jeopardize millions of jobs," 底特律三大汽车厂商中任何一家的崩溃都会产生连锁反应,让数百万人面临失业的威胁。

#2: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:56

Hands-on, 是亲自动手实践的意思。美国当选总统奥巴马提名芝加哥公校教育主管阿恩.邓肯为下届政府的教育部长。奥巴马称赞邓肯说, "When it comes to school reforms, Arne is the most hands-on of hands-on practitioners," 在教学改革的问题上,阿恩是最亲历亲为的人。让我们再来看看芝加哥六次连任的市长戴利。 "Daley was described by those who know him as a hands-on mayor who personally calls the responsible department when he sees a pothole," 认识他的人都说,戴利是一位亲历亲为的市长,看见路上有坑,他会亲自给负责部门打电话。

#3: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:56

Untested, 没有经过测试的,没有经过考验的。最近,香港和印度等亚洲地区陆续发现禽流感。为了预防禽流感对人类的威胁, "Several human vaccines for bird flu have been developed, but their effectiveness is still untested," 有关机构已经研制出了好几种禽流感的人体疫苗,但是它们的有效性尚未得到验证。

泰国在野的民主党领袖阿披实赢得议会特别选举,当选泰国总理。评论人士指出,44 岁的阿披实肩负平息泰国政治动荡的重任。与此同时, "His leadership qualities are untested," 而他的领导能力尚未得到验证。

#4: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:57

Shortlist, 是指供挑选的最后名单。 "Three democrats made the shortlist for the soon-to-be vacant secretary of state position for Colorado," 三个民主党人进入最后的候选人名单,角逐科罗拉多州即将空出来的州务卿的位置。 "Four movies made the shortlist for the Critics Choice Awards," 四部影片入围影评家奖的最后一轮角逐。 "The bestseller made the shortlist for three book awards," 这本畅销书进入了三项图书奖最后入围的候选名单。

#5: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:57

Downfall, 是垮台的意思。伊利诺伊州州长布拉戈耶维奇被捕。 "Although shocking, Blagojevich's downfall is not all that surprising," 尽管很突然,但是布拉戈耶维奇的垮台并不完全出人意料。这是因为联邦调查局注意他已经好几年了。 "Corruption led to his downfall," 是腐败导致了他的最终垮台。

拥有《洛杉矶时报》和《芝加哥论坛报》等八家大型日报的报业巨头“论坛公司”申请破产保护。 "The bankruptcy filing marked the downfall of a giant media conglomerate," 这一破产申请标志着一家媒体巨擎的垮台。

#6: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:57

Skeptical, 是怀疑的意思。虽然现在股市时有回升, "Experts say investors should remain skeptical of temporary rallies," 但是专家建议投资者对市场的暂时回升持谨慎态度。白宫和国会原则上就挽救美国三大汽车制造厂商的计划达成了协议。然而, "Many lawmakers remain skeptical of the bailout," 很多国会议员还是对挽救计划表示怀疑。印度孟买的恐怖袭击事件发生后,在各方压力下,巴基斯坦对边境地区一个激进分子的基地发动突袭,然而, "India is still skeptical of Pakistan's anti-terror efforts," 但是印度对巴基斯坦打击恐怖主义的努力还是将信将疑

#7: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:57

Recession, 是经济衰退的意思。 "On Friday, President Bush made a brief statement on the U.S. economy, acknowledging for the first time that the country is in recession," 美国总统布什上星期五就美国经济发表简短声明,首次承认美国经济陷入衰退。 "This recession, which officially began in December 2007, will most certainly be the longest since the end of World War II," 这次从2007年12月正式开始的经济衰退,将是第二次世界大战结束以来最长的一次。

#8: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:57

Zero in on, 是集中火力,集中注意力的意思。 "U.S. Congress and the White House is zeroing in on plans to rescue U.S. automakers," 美国白宫和国会集中精力,协商拯救美国汽车制造厂商的计划。 "The police are zeroing in on the suspect while the family prays for the safe return of the missing girl," 警方集中对嫌疑人进行调查的同时,失踪女孩的家人祈祷她能安全归来。 "Hackers zero in on online stock accounts," 骇客集中对网上的股票交易帐户展开袭击

#9: 作者: snugedate时间: 2018-1-03 14:58

Flunk, 不及格。 "He flunked the physics exam and had to attend summer school," 他物理考试不及格,夏天必需去补习。 "65 % of the 400 Malaysian driving instructors flunked a surprise driving theory exam," 400名马来西亚驾驶教练接受了驾驶理论的抽查突击考试,结果其中65%的人都没有通过。 "According to a new study, 49 U.S. states flunk the college affordability test," 一项最新研究显示,在大学学费是否让美国家庭可以承担的问题上,49个州都不及格。只有加州勉强达标。

#10: 作者: 呱唧呱唧时间: 2018-1-03 15:13


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