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移民生活北美論壇 -> 加國一家親

#1: 作者: chowder時間: 2012-9-02 17:17





卑詩省長簡蕙芝對英橋公司(Enbridge Energy)所提的「北方門戶油管」(Northern Gateway pipeline)計劃不願表態。簡蕙芝強調,「北方門戶油管」計畫可能存在風險,但可為本省帶來龐大利益,正因風險與機會並存才須經過法定程序討論,讓正反意見獲得充分討論。


#2: 作者: 豆包106時間: 2012-9-02 17:50


#3: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-04 01:39

加拿大恩橋公司(Enbridge)在周五表示,他們將改進北方門戶油管(Northern Gateway)的設計,以對卑詩省原住民對油管計劃的反對心態做出反應。


#4: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-04 01:45

BC Greens do not support the Enbridge Pipeline under any conditions

The BC Liberals laid out conditions their government will impose before heavy oil pipelines are approved. The five conditions sounded like tacit approval for the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. The BC Conservatives support the pipeline under similar conditions. The BC NDP is opposed to the pipeline and are consulting lawyers to see if the project can be stopped if approved by the Joint Review Panel.

“BC Greens oppose the Northern Gateway project,” says Leader Jane Sterk. “The pipeline and the accompanying tanker traffic along BC’s wild and fragile coast cannot be justified under any circumstance.
“Our position is grounded in the need to transition off fossil fuels, not enable unsustainable expansion. There is no condition under which we see a benefit to BC.

“Enbridge does not have the required social license to operate in BC. Their record of spills on existing pipelines, their inability to respond when spills occur and the inadequacy of clean up efforts should eliminate them from any consideration.

“Greens believe in decentralized decision-making whereby local rather than provincial or federal support would determine the approval of resource development. Approval would be grounded in cumulative impacts. The prime benefits of the projects need to accrue to local communities and the surrounding region.

“A BC Green government would say no to the Northern Gateway Pipeline. We stand with the overwhelming majority of presenters to the Joint Review Panel who are saying no at each of the community hearings. We stand with the majority of British Columbians who reject this project for precautionary reasons.

“As Terry Lake indicated, BC’s opportunity to say no comes with the need to issue permits for hundreds of land crossings. Most British Columbians believe BC and its citizens have a right to determine what happens in the province. The permitting process represents that right.

“BC Greens remain hopeful that the Joint Review Panel will reject the Northern Gateway Pipeline. But if it approves the project, or if the Harper Conservatives override a no by the National Energy Board, BC Greens would protect British Columbians right to say an unequivocal no,” concludes Sterk.

#5: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-04 01:52


B.C., Alberta premiers clash over Gateway pipeline revenue

The fight between the premiers of B.C. and Alberta over how to divide the revenues from Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway pipeline is quickly heating even before the $5.5 billion project has approval to go ahead.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark told CBC Radio on Tuesday morning that the province will only approve the project if it gets its fair share of the revenue from the proposed crude oil pipeline, in order to compensate the province for taking on the majority of the environmental risk.
"Alberta's interests in this are pretty obvious. Alberta gets the large bulk of the benefits, takes very little of the risk. B.C. takes most of the risk and we get very few of the benefits. So I think it's pretty obvious that we have some talking to do here," said Clark.
But Alberta Premier Alison Redford said Clark is simply pitting one province against another, rather than doing what is best for Canada as a whole.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark says B.C. needs a greater share of the revenue from the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. (CBC)

"We will not share royalties and I see nothing else proposed and would not be prepared to consider anything else at this time," Redford said in Edmonton on Tuesday morning.
"It's not how Canada has worked. It's not how Canada has succeeded, and I'm disappointed to hear the comments."
Redford said she was not interested in cutting a deal with B.C. and suggested the province would have to look to the federal government for a transfer payment if it wanted a larger share of the pipeline revenue.

Alberta Premier Alison Redford has dismissed B.C.'s demands for a greater share of revenue from the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. (CBC)"We have in our provinces the right to income from resources. We have Confederation, which allows for people in each province to benefit from the resources they have to retain jurisdiction over those resources, and then to be part of federal system that allows for transfer payments," said Redford.
"Leadership is not about dividing Canadians and pitting one province against another. Leadership is about working together. That’s when our country benefits, that’s when Canada leads," Redford also said in statement issued on Monday.

'Troubling precedent,' says Saskatchewan premier.Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall echoed Redford's concerns, saying cutting B.C. a share of the royalties would set a "troubling precedent," especially for landlocked provinces that have no ports to get their exports to foreign markets.
"This is the thin edge of a very big wedge," Wall told CBC News Network's Power and Politics on Tuesday.

"You can't just say look we only want to do this in the case of bitumen. What about the rail transport of other minerals? Or perhaps ... potentially dangerous chemicals that are manufactured in other parts of Canada and shipped across?"
The three premiers are expected to meet in Halifax this week, but Alberta's strong reaction to B.C.'s proposal on Monday could lead to some tension in the room when the premiers begin their talks on Thursday.
Redford was hoping to use this week's meeting of the Council of the Federation in Halifax to garner widespread support for her proposed national energy strategy. She talked up the idea with other western premiers at their meeting in late May, but Clark did not attend that gathering.
Enbridge spokesman Todd Nogier called the debate over revenue an "opportunity," but said the existing deal would already give B.C. tangible benefits.
"The tax revenue that would flow to the B.C. government would be $1.2 billion over the course of 30 years. There will be about 560 to 600 full-time jobs, good-paying full-time permanent positions," said Nogier

Under the current terms, B.C. Environment Minister Terry Lake said Monday that British Columbia would get only eight per cent of the pipeline revenue while assuming 100 per cent of the marine risk for the port terminal and tanker traffic on the West Coast, and 58 per cent of the land-based risk for the pipeline.


#6: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-04 02:11



HALIFAX British Columbia Premier Christy Clark said Friday that she couldn’t sign onto a national energy strategy before resolving a dispute over the Northern Gateway pipeline.
Clark stepped out of meetings at the Council of the Federation in Halifax to make the announcement as premiers worked to cobble together a pan-Canadian strategy on energy.
She said she wouldn’t endorse a deal before discussions take place with Ottawa and Alberta over how B.C. would be compensated for allowing the $5.5-billion pipeline to transit through the province.
“British Columbia will not be participating in any of those discussions until after we’ve seen some progress that our requirements for the shipment of heavy oil will be met,” she told a hastily called news conference.
It’s not a national energy strategy if B.C. hasn‘t signed
Clark said she and Alberta Premier Alison Redford had a “very frank discussion” about it Friday morning, but didn’t reveal details or if they planned on holding further talks on the matter.
Clark has said she decided to ask for an unspecified share of royalties and revenues after doing analysis on the pipeline, which will move bitumen from Alberta to the B.C. coast for shipment to Asia.
Her government has released five conditions she says need to be met before she can move forward with plans for the pipeline. In addition to the demand for a greater portion of the economic benefits, they include the completion of an environmental review now underway, assurances that the “best” responses will be available for potential spills on land and at sea and recognition of aboriginal rights on the land.
Clark repeated her claim that the province bears too much risk from oil spills at sea or on land, while receiving only eight per cent in tax benefits.
She added another wrinkle to the feud when she called on Ottawa on Wednesday to sit down with her and Redford to hash out the issue. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird weighed in on the dispute, questioning Clark’s stance and reiterating the federal government’s support for the project.
Redford has flatly dismissed Clark’s position as one that would “fundamentally change Confederation” because it would mean new negotiations for projects throughout the country.

According to research in an application filed by Enbridge (TSX:ENB), 8.2 per cent of the Northern Gateway’s projected $81 billion tax revenue would flow to B.C. over a 30-year period. That equates to $6.7 billion for B.C., while Ottawa is expected to receive $36 billion and Alberta would earn $32 billion.
Saskatchewan is expected to top the remainder of the provinces in terms of tax benefit, receiving about $4 billion.
Enbridge’s proposed 1,177-kilometre twin line would carry heavy oil from Alberta across a vast swath of pristine B.C. wilderness and First Nations territory to a port at Kitimat, B.C., for shipment to Asia.
Last week, the company announced it will shore up another $500 million in safety improvements

Read more: www.theprovince.com/ne...z21peK8f1H

#7: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-05 06:15

英橋公司輸美油管在威州麥迪森(Madison)以北的大沼澤(Grand Marsh)輸油段,7月27日發現多達19萬公升原油外洩。該段名為Lakehead的輸油管線從加境輸送輕油到芝加哥地區的煉油廠提煉。



這次漏油事件對沖擊英橋公司油管未來的重要開發計畫而言,無異於雪上加霜。兩年前2010年該公司旗下另一條油管在密西根州漏油,2萬桶原油流入當地卡拉瑪祖河(Kalamazoo River)支流,曾引起軒然大波,美國方面和環保人士對油污威脅的反感記憶猶新,早前更公開指英橋當時處理油污不當。



#8: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-05 06:18


卑詩早前就輸油管計劃提出5項要求,強調本省承擔大部分潛在漏油風險,卻僅獲取8%的利益,故簡蕙芝督促Enbridge公司需抱持公平原則,提高本省獲利比率,彌補漏油風險可能帶來的環境及經濟損失,包括共享現歸阿省所有的資源特許權及稅收,但阿省省長雷福德(Alison Redford)並不答應。







#9: 作者: election時間: 2012-9-05 06:25


卑詩省長 Christie Clark和亞省省長 AlisonRedford 本周齊齊在 Halifax 參加全國省長大會,但會議未開始兩位西部省長已經就北方門戶輸油管計劃顯得針鋒雙對.
卑詩省長 Christie Clark 雖然沒有出席本周一由省環境廳長TerryLake 召開有關省府對於興建北方門戶輸油管計劃的立場,不過到今日, 省長Christie Clark 已成為這個議題的發言人.
Clark 指出, 沒有卑詩省的同意興建北方門戶輸油管計劃將胎死腹中!
但如果亞省能夠對於卑詩省提出合理經濟回報, 省府才會作出考慮.

照省昨日公布的立場, 卑詩省府要求以下五項條件:

對於以上五點立場, 我們大衛鈴木基金會已在各中文傳媒公開表達了我們的立場 –
照基金會行政總裁 Peter Robinson 指出,
卑詩北部水域是一個獨特的天然環境. 當這個水域和地域受到油污損毀, 更多的金錢亦不可能作出補救. 很多朋友都聽過.Exxon Valdez 在 1989 年在亞拉斯加水域沉沒. 數到今天已經有超過 20年, 但區內的天然損害到今天還未完全清晰.以Exxon Valdez在亞拉斯加水域的例子, 要設立一個現實的金額來抵償風險根本就是不設實際的想法.資料顯示,Exxon Valdez 當年的賠償金額高達 $3.4 billion (三十四億元.) 但如果卑詩水域出油污意外, 以北方門戶而言, 商業的最高賠償金額只有大約 $1.3 billion(十三億元.) 意思是卑詩省民將要負擔沉重責任,因為水上油污卑詩的責任是 100%!
以大衛鈴木基金會的立場, 省府目前應該向聯邦政府進行游說, 設定全國能源政策, 把國家資源多面化投資.讓年青一代有機會向研發再生能源方向進軍.
基金會始創人 Dr. David Suzuki 今早亦透過電話表示,
省長Christie Clark 似乎就輸油管問題依然未能看清整個情況.
事實是卑詩省和加國都必定向前進. 建輸油管是向後退的做法,
絕對不是有效的全國能源策略, 更不要說訂出賠償金額 – 因為這個不單是天價,
以建油管對開水域 Hecate Straight 而言其實是無價寶.
再者, 省府昨日同時公布的 52頁技術報告明顯己經表態– Enbridge公司提出的 $5.5 billion (55 億元) 北方門戶輸油管計劃等於 Hecate Straight水域在未來的 10至20年都會每年有220首超級油輪航行.而報告指區內天然環境之脆弱可以被形容為一次意外足以至命!

至於省長 Christie Clark 的經濟回報提意, 亞省省長昨曰已經第一時間作出回應, 而答案是 NO, 不會考慮!
事實上, 卑詩省府在本周提出五點立場的同時亦提出了一份五十二頁的油管技術評沽報告,
就連有名溫哥華太陽報專欄作者Vaughn Palmer 都表示不明白省長 Christie Clark為何還要和亞省省長參與拉鋸戰.以卑詩省和加拿大全國的利益, 興建油管連接亞省油沙到亞洲對卑詩省民和加國國民都沒有利益,
因為油管漏油是必然的惡夢. 但聯邦和省目前都沒有技術, 資源, 甚至法律能力作有效補救.意思時當出現海上或陸上漏油事故, 卑詩省省民和加國納稅人就要背起天文數字的補救工作.而事實上, 天然環境受嚴重損毀, 金錢是否可以作出補救呢?


#10: 作者: 花落花開時間: 2012-9-05 06:31


移民生活北美論壇 -> 加國一家親

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