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移民生活北美論壇 -> 日月當空

#1: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-7-05 14:09




走過去時,見到做石膏板的小伙子們決定這是一個扔垃圾的好地方,所以石膏板碎片,甚至是碎屑和灰塵都被從貨車和拖車上清除掉並扔在了地上。這些被規定為不可傾倒的危險材料必須將其圍起來並封裝起來才能在適當的設施下存放。 這些不同的廢棄地點的草長到3英尺以上。

South Arm開設了戶外活動區,但沒有社交距離。我很高興看到人們活躍,但是數十名打籃球的孩子並肩而立,這意味著每個人都將自己曾經接觸過的一切帶回家,與那裡的其他每個人一起回家。 僅此就涉及著數百人。South Arm每個戶外燈都是24/7點亮,甚至是野外路燈。

我確信這在所有社區中心都在發生,學校也整天都在外面開燈。 在學校割草似乎比較規律,但是卻不太在意。 草在人行道,山丘上以及樹木和球門柱周圍根本沒有被割掉。 幾周前,他們的設備撞到籬笆並撞倒,沒有修復。 毫不奇怪,廣告打了兩年才替換了一塊破碎的碎片。 為什麼在當今世界,我們將實木用於這種柵欄? 用再生塑料制成的柵欄是可以免維護的,不會腐爛,就像木頭被埋在像我們這裡一樣的濕的地下一樣。



Dear Editor,

The City of Richmond has fallen out of step with real needs, and real costs, and reality itself when it comes to the Coronavirus.

On one walk yesterday, easily a dozen homes abandoned, left to being overran by vegetation and vermin infestation, abandoned vehicles next door to a school, again rat infestation. A home under construction for almost a year now, with zero cleanup being done, it is fenced but not locked so has become a dumping ground.

While going past it the fellas doing the drywall decided it was a good place to clean up, so pieces of drywall, even the chips and dust were swept out of their van and trailer and thrown on the ground. These are described as restricted dangerous materials that can NOT be dumped, but must be contained and enclosed to be dropped off at the proper facility. Grass at these different abandoned sites growth to 3 feet and over.

South Arm has opened its outdoor activity areas, but there is no distancing. I am glad to see people being active, but shoulder-to-shoulder contact of dozens of kids playing basketball, means everyone brought whatever they have been in contact with to send home with everyone else there. That alone would mean a couple of hundred people. The internet is not turned on at South Arm, but every outdoor light is, 24/7, even the field lights.

I am sure this is happening at all community centres, the schools are also just leaving their lights on outside all day. The grass cutting at the schools seems more regular but less caring. Grass is on the sidewalks, hills and around trees and goal posts it is not cut at all. Their equipment has hit and knocked down fences, weeks ago, not repaired. Not surprisingly, ad the last time it took two years to come out replace a broken piece. Why, in today's world are we using real wood for this type of fencing? Fencing made from recycled plastics is maintenance free, is not going to rot, as is the story with wood being buried in ground as wet as ours.

One more important item is the outrageous speeds cars are hitting, and a complete lack of enforcement from the RCMP.

Jim Crighton


#2: 作者: pws07時間: 2020-7-05 14:10


#3: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-7-05 14:13

pws07 寫道:


#4: 作者: damnff時間: 2020-7-05 14:30

明娘娘 寫道:
pws07 寫道:



#5: 作者: 不怕沒柴燒時間: 2020-7-05 14:31



#6: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-7-05 14:35

damnff 寫道:


#7: 作者: bbsang2時間: 2020-7-05 14:50


#8: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-7-05 15:01

bbsang2 寫道:

無恥之尤啊。。最近列治文市中心天車終點站旁邊的bus exchange鋪裝完成了,地面全部用四方小石板美化鋪蓋,還沒正式啟用呢,一片片臓得尿介子是的,還有十幾處狗屎。。就這亂七八糟爛素質人聚集的地方,分分鍾將一片剛剛鋪裝好的地面糟蹋成蠻荒樣態。。對比看看昨天貼的回眸一笑百媚生裡的小江戶商店街,也是同樣的小石板鋪裝,十幾年過去,一塵不染。。人與人差異何以如此巨大?大到人猴之別呢?

#9: 作者: bbsang2時間: 2020-7-05 15:06

明娘娘 寫道:
無恥之尤啊。。最近列治文市中心天車終點站旁邊的bus exchange鋪裝完成了,地面全部用四方小石板美化鋪蓋,還沒正式啟用呢,一片片臓得尿介子是的,還有十幾處狗屎。。就這亂七八糟爛素質人聚集的地方,分分鍾將一片剛剛鋪裝好的地面糟蹋成蠻荒樣態。。對比看看昨天貼的回眸一笑百媚生裡的小江戶商店街,也是同樣的小石板鋪裝,十幾年過去,一塵不染。。人與人差異何以如此巨大?大到人猴之別呢?


#10: 作者: 三文魚時間: 2020-7-05 15:12


移民生活北美論壇 -> 日月當空

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