西人媒體譴責聯邦首席衛生官苦瓜譚(Theresa Tam)每步都拖延,每件事都做錯!
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移民生活北美論壇 -> 溫哥華不眠夜

#1: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-4-01 19:29

Tam was late at every step, focused on political correctness


#2: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-4-01 19:31

The facts are undeniable: Tam was late at every step, focused on political correctness and lecturing when the virus could have been stopped, and seemed less informed of the risk than the general public and the MPs who were asking her questions.

Of course, this is obvious in the case of Patty Hadju, who has flailed around desperately and been weeks behind at every step. That said, it was perhaps expected, given that she has no medical experience and was thrust into a massive crisis.

Yet, in the case of Dr. Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, it’s simply inexplicable how badly she has handled this.

Tam was wrong on everything

#3: 作者: 明娘娘時間: 2020-4-01 19:33

Tam was wrong on everything

Tam, the supposed “expert,” was wrong on everything.

She was wrong on travel bans – something the Liberal government ended up imposing over a month later.

She was wrong on asymptomatic transmission, as it is now well-known that people can transmit the virus without feeling sick.

She was wrong on voluntary quarantine, as the lack of quarantines early on meant that cases in China became cases in Canada. After all, all of Canada’s cases started as imported cases from foreign travel. Now, many of our cases are from ‘community spread,’ but that community spread was seeded by the foreign travel in the first place.

#4: 作者: ⑩頭鳥時間: 2020-4-01 19:40


#5: 作者: 新朋友時間: 2020-4-01 19:42


#6: 作者: damnff時間: 2020-4-01 19:43


#7: 作者: ⑩頭鳥時間: 2020-4-01 19:45

大溫華人 寫道:


#8: 作者: BC測量師時間: 2020-4-01 19:46


#9: 作者: 不怕沒柴燒時間: 2020-4-01 19:49

阿明 寫道:
The facts are undeniable: Tam was late at every step, focused on political correctness and lecturing when the virus could have been stopped, and seemed less informed of the risk than the general public and the MPs who were asking her questions.

Of course, this is obvious in the case of Patty Hadju, who has flailed around desperately and been weeks behind at every step. That said, it was perhaps expected, given that she has no medical experience and was thrust into a massive crisis.

Yet, in the case of Dr. Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, it’s simply inexplicable how badly she has handled this.

Tam was wrong on everything


#10: 作者: 新朋友時間: 2020-4-01 19:53


⑩頭鳥 寫道:
大溫華人 寫道:


移民生活北美論壇 -> 溫哥華不眠夜

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