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移民生活北美論壇 -> English Corner

#1: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:50

詞 designate 的例句

Will you designate the flowers you wish? 你能說出你想要的花嗎?

There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark. 人們正在努力將這座橋定為歷史遺跡。

#2: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:50

單詞 pat 的例句

Could you hear the pat? 你能聽到輕輕的拍擊聲嗎?

He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 他輕拍了一下她的肩膀讓她放心。

#3: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:50

詞 loudspeaker 的例句

The loudspeaker's stopped working. 擴音器不響了。

There is a loudspeaker in a radio. 收音機裡有個喇叭。

#4: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:50

單詞 lump 的例句

I thanked him with a lump in my throat. 我哽咽著向他道謝。

If you don't like it, you may lump it. 你不喜歡,也得容忍一下。

#5: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:51

詞 paw 的例句

He served as a cat's paw. 他充當爪牙。

Don't paw at everything you see. 別見什麼摸什麼。

#6: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:51

詞 nutter 的例句

Don't call him nutter because it is such a bad term. 別叫他“瘋子”,這不是個好詞。

But it's awfully ruthless and cold-blooded for a nutter from the other side. 但是對那邊的瘋子們來說,卻也實在太冷血無情了。

#7: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:51

詞 notwithstanding 的例句

Notwithstanding the heat of the sun we must go out. 盡管烈日當空、氣溫炎熱,我們還得外出。

I don't like movies, but I will go with you notwithstanding. 我不喜歡看電影,但我仍會陪你去。

#8: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:52

詞 reckless 的例句

The policeman chewed out the driver for reckless driving. 那位司機因為開車莽撞,被警察狠狠批評了一頓。

He thought she was too reckless at it. 他覺得她對它太粗心大意了。

#9: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:52

單詞 corridor 的例句

The corridor opens into Mr. Brown's office. 這條走廊通到布朗先生的辦公室。

There was a ring of laughter in the corridor. 走廊裡傳來響亮的笑聲

#10: 作者: 轉發時間: 2019-10-18 10:52

詞 arithmetic 的例句

The waiter got his arithmetic wrong. 服務員算錯了賬。

John was competing against James for the prize in arithmetic. 約翰和詹姆斯比賽爭奪算術獎。

移民生活北美論壇 -> English Corner

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