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三周全職課程 強化訓練 100%保證面試!商科大學生就業首選



時間:3月18日 (周六) 7:30pm

3月19日 (周日) 1:00pm

報名電話: 604-728-1717604-670-2122

地址:1297- 3779 Sexsmith Road, Richmond(置地廣場2樓,龍景軒旁)


DQ初級分析師白天就業沖刺班: 大量成功學員,事實勝於雄辯!


【主講人】Daniel Qu(DQ); 大師級的數據分析老師DQ,美國名校畢業,具有近20年的資深行業經驗,歷任多家著名企業的Resource Manager, Delivery Director, Head of PMO,也曾任北美上市公司VP,目前從事independent consultant & staffing (recruiting)工作,客戶包括世界500強公司,加拿大五大銀行等。僅2015年,培訓的數據分析學生50多名學員成功就業,50%的學員一次性拿下面試。


數據分析就業寶典本系列主要針對初中級職位 BY - 曲達雍

商科一般包括金融、市場、經濟、商業管理、國際貿易等專業。這類專業擇業范圍廣闊, 職位可以從辦公室文員到數據分析;公司可以從小公司到銀行,政府。





商科大學生由於缺乏工作經驗,簡歷具有很強的趨同性,每份簡歷類同,千篇一律,沒有特色。所以,如何使大學生的簡歷具有特色? 如何使大學生寫出合格求職簡歷? 是他們能夠進入職場的起點和關鍵,這會對年輕人的長期職業發展產生重要影響。

2007年以來我做職業規劃,已經有10年了,接觸好多來咨詢的朋友,見證了很多成功,也看到很多失敗。在這裡我總結一下對大家找工作有幫助的經驗供大家參考。首先回答幾個我最經常回答的問題, 然後是一些有針對性的問題。

Q: 我英文不好,可以學數據分析嘛?

A: 這是一個完全沒有營養的問題,這就象是在中國問 “我普通話講不好,我可以申請這份工作嘛?” 。有這麼多地方可以學英文,希望您把英文基本提高到一定程度然後再學習專業。可以這樣說,你今天學任何專業都可能學錯,錢都可能白花。唯有在英文方面的投資,每一分錢都值得。

Q: 現在外面就業市場如何?現在的就業率如何?

A: 外面的就業市場其實和您是否能夠找到工作關系不是很大。你需要的是盡快充實自己,積極的准備簡歷及面試。外面工作機會再少也是有的,問題是有一個機會給你,你能否抓住。一個准備好的candidate,一次性拿下面試的例子太多了。

Q: 多長時間能找到工作?

A: 這要看你自己的學習刻苦程度。知識點就那麼多,掌握了之後,就是簡歷和面試了。我所接觸的大部分沒有找到工作的朋友們,要麼知識掌握的不到位,要麼簡歷面試毫無章法。真正准備好但沒有找到工作是不可能的。所以這是一個唯有你自己可以回答的問題。

Q: 我沒有這方面的經驗,可以學嘛?

A: 有沒有經驗其實並不重要,重要的是你要有足夠的心理和經濟上的准備。我見過學英文的,學旅游的,學新聞的都找到工作。共同點是這些人都是狠角色,對自己的要求嚴格毫不手軟。



Skills&Tools+實際工作經驗(Real Projrct)+優質簡歷

- Report Analyst

- Pricing Analyst

- Sales / Operation Analyst

- Junior Business / Financial Analyst


1) 短平快的課, 白天集中強化, 從技術實戰到簡歷面試,3個星期完成, 而其它課通常周末上需3個月。

2) 培訓所對應的數據分析師職位工作穩定,年薪4萬以上,職位符合留學生辦移民要求。

3) 課程時間靈活,隨時入學訓練,每個季度一期,全年至少四次。

4) 課上包含3個配套projects,真實項目活學活用, 文檔正規背景完善, 應對面試游刃有余。

5) 有專業的簡歷面試跟進,三周可投簡歷,保證100%面試機會,這是其它課無法保證的。


Intermediate Data Analysis with MS-Excel and SQL

Objective: As a matter of the fact, MS-Excel is the most popular tool in data analysis and SQL is the most standard language to be used across all databases. The course tries to demonstrate the power of combining MS-Excel and SQL to perform an intermediate level data analysis regarding to different business purposes. This course is the foundation for all the other Data Analysis courses.

Introduction to Data Mining in Marketing

Objective: Marketing as a function unit exists in every organization regardless its' operational size, the type of business nor the industry it sits. Among the marketing activities, the core is to identify customer, forecast/estimate customer value, earn customer return business...... To be more efficiently achieve above goals, a set of data mining skills/methods are applied; and this is where a data analyst normally starts his/her career. The course serves an introduction and guidance for entry level data analyst.

Data Analysis Hands-on Practice

Objective: By knowing the knowledge and theory, you get familiar with Data Analysis domain; but you are still not sure how to demonstrate a project during the interview - the missing puzzles are where, when and how to work on a real world case. Within this course, we will start from setting up working environment, knowing most common tools, and working on some real cases. By the end of the course, you will have several project summary reports in hands for both learning and interview purpose

工具IntermediateData Analysis with SAS


In Canada,leading companies in the financial, healthcare, telecom and retail industriesall have become increasingly engaged with data driven decision making over thepast 3-5 years. In the data analysis job market, SAS programming is the most sought-aftertechnical skills. As a high-level programming language, it is relatively easyto learn for students without programming experience. This 80-hour trainingcourse will help students:

Real Project =Experince Data Analysis Hands-on Practice

Objective: By knowing the knowledge and theory, you get familiar with DataAnalysis domain; but you are still not sure how to demonstrate a project duringthe interview - the missing puzzles are where, when and how to work on a real world case. Within thiscourse, we will start from setting up working environment, knowing most commontools, and working on some real cases. By the end of the course, you will have several project summary reportsin hands for both learning and interview purpose。

維多利亞培訓中心(溫哥華) Victoria Training Center (Vancouver)

電話: (604)670-2122; (604)728-1717;網站:www.vicvancouver.com

地址: #1297, 3779 Sexsmith Road, Richmond, British Columbia V6X 1J7


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