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[語言學習] 各種各樣的"快樂"用英語怎麼表達

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  (1)哇!Wow! 這是人們處於高興、興奮、驚訝、激動等情緒的時候最常用的一個感歎語句。

  (2) 好極了!Great! Terrific! Fantastic!

  (3)我興奮得睡不著覺。I'm too excited to go to sleep.= I'm so excited that I can't go to sleep.

  (4)太令人激動了!It's very exciting!

  (5) 我高興極了。I'm wild with joy.=I'm as happy as I can be.=I'm beside myself with joy.

  (6) 我真不敢相信。I can't believe it.

  (7)聽到這個消息,我很興奮。I'm excited by the news.

  (8) 我興奮得說不出話了。I'm too excited to say one word.

  (9)我就像中了頭獎一樣興奮。I'm excited like I won the jackpot.

  (10) 太激動人心了!How exciting!

  (11)我很高興。I'm happy. = I feel happy.


  Nothing could be more wonderful.=Nothing could be nicer.=Nothing would please me more.

  (13)我沉浸於極大的快樂之中。I'm in seventh heaven.

  (14) 我很快樂。I'm happy as a clam.

  (15)我太高興了。I'm so happy. = I'm really delighted.

  (16)我高興極了。I'm as happy as I can be.

  (17) 我從沒有這麼高興過。I've never been this happy as I am now.= This is the happiest moment in my life. = This is the best moment of my life.

  (18)我感到飄飄欲仙。I'm walking on air.

  (19)我活得很快樂。I'm high on life.

  (20)我今天心情很好。I'm in a great mood today.
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